Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Problem with MMM-ResRobot, it wont start(?)
I can not get it working either, says fetching for quite some time now. I get a “MMM-ResRobot : Error: got 400 response” on starting server… strange. Anyone recognize the same output?
{ module: "MMM-ResRobot", position: "top_right", header: "Departures", config: { routes: [ {from: "740021656", to: "740020749"}, // ResRobot Station IDs of starting and destination station(s). At least one route must be defined. {from: "740000765", to: "740000284"}, // "from" is required but "to" is optional (set "to" to empty string to indicate all destinations) ], skipMinutes: 0, // Skip departures that happens within the next minutes. maximumEntries: 6, // Number of departures to show on screen truncateAfter: 5, // A value > 0 will truncate direction name at first space after characters. 0 = no truncation apiKey: "1c01e8b8-92d0-4e05-86dc-a112d743ba5a" // Your ResRobot apiKey } },
Ok, seems it didn’t want to handle several departures like previous post but only one:
{ module: "MMM-ResRobot", position: "top_right", header: "Departures", config: { routes: [ {from: "740000765", to: "740000284"} // "from" is required but "to" is optional (set "to" to empty string to indicate all destinations) ], skipMinutes: 0, // Skip departures that happens within the next minutes. maximumEntries: 6, // Number of departures to show on screen truncateAfter: 5, // A value > 0 will truncate direction name at first space after characters. 0 = no truncation apiKey: "1c01e8b8-92d0-4e05-86dc-a112d743ba5a" // Your ResRobot apiKey } },
Still get error response:
node_helper for MMM-ResRobot received a socket notification: CONFIG - Payload: {“updateInterval”:300000,“animationSpeed”:2000,“fade”:true,“fadePoint”:0.25,“apiBase”:“",“apiKey”:“1c01e8b8-92d0-4e05-86dc-a112d743ba5a”,“routes”:[{“from”:“740000765”,“to”:“740000284”}],“skipMinutes”:0,“maximumEntries”:6,“truncateAfter”:5,“iconTable”:{“B”:"fa fa-bus”,“S”:“fa fa-subway”,“J”:“fa fa-train”,“U”:“fa fa-subway”,“F”:“fa fa-ship”}}
Fetching new departure data for module: MMM-ResRobot
node_helper for MMM-ResRobot received a socket notification: CONFIG - Payload: {“updateInterval”:300000,“animationSpeed”:2000,“fade”:true,“fadePoint”:0.25,“apiBase”:“",“apiKey”:“1c01e8b8-92d0-4e05-86dc-a112d743ba5a”,“routes”:[{“from”:“740021656”,“to”:“740020749”}],“skipMinutes”:0,“maximumEntries”:6,“truncateAfter”:5,“iconTable”:{“B”:"fa fa-bus”,“S”:“fa fa-subway”,“J”:“fa fa-train”,“U”:“fa fa-subway”,“F”:“fa fa-ship”}}
MMM-ResRobot : Error: got 400 response -
@Gailby I copied your first config but used my API key and it worked with no issues at all.
Verify that you are using the correct API key.
The 400 status code is usually because you are using the wrong key. -
@Alvinger Thanx a lot, that did it! I got confused about the english translation of “ResRobot - Pole Schedules 2” and used ResRobot - Reseplanerare. My Bad :/
Great to hear! (Jag dokumenterade på engelska så alla kunde förstå men då blir ju svenskar lite förvirrade! :-)
Maybe I should add the swedish name of the API key to the documentation as well. -
Re: [Problem with MMM-ResRobot]
I have also problem with MMM-Resrobot . I use API-Key ResRobot - Stolptidtabeller 2. !
I got it to work now but i get stockholm stations … And i have use “ejdergatan"740025622” to redbergsplatsen" 740025673" Göteborg .any idea? Kan svara på svenska också ;) Mvh
Klipp in den relevanta delen av config.js så kan vi kolla på den.
Please post the appropriate part of config.js -
Fick det att funka nu ! . Va tydligen 3 ställen jag fick ändra cfg till id för stationerna samt app id . i config.js / mmm-resrobot.js och mmm-resrobot som ligger i mmm-resrobot master mappen .
Om jag vill ha en till tillagd som är det bara och upprepa följande kommando nedanför eller ? ;) Mvh
from: “station id”, // ResRobot Station ID (or a comma-separated string of IDs)
to: “station id”, // ResRobot Station ID of destination (or a comma-separated string of IDs)module: "MMM-ResRobot", position: "left", header: "Spårvagn från Ejdergatan", config: { from: "740025622", // ResRobot Station ID (or a comma-separated string of IDs) to: "740025673", // ResRobot Station ID of destination (or a comma-separated string of IDs) maximumEntries: 6, // Number of departures to show on screen truncateAfter: 5, // A value > 0 will truncate direction name at first space after characters. 0 = no truncation apiKey:"f1109bf4-187c-49e2-95ce-1ba1b6062388" // Your ResRobot apiKey } }, // ------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------
Bra att det funkar.
Du ska bara behöva ändra i den config.js som ligger i MagicMirror-mappen, inte i de andra.För att ange flera rutter lägger du bara till en ny rad med:
{from:“”, to:“”},På din config ser det ut som att fu använger en gammal version. Gör en git pull för att uppdatera. En av ändringarna är just formatet för att ange flera rutter. Se för dokumentation.