Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@jaminben Yes it is possible
In the newest update from today you have three new options
showLabels: true, // true or false logoPosition: "front", // option front, middle, back graphPosition: "back", // option front, back
However the labels for price changes will always be visible (just percentages without label look silly)
Hope you like it
@Charley said in MMM-crypto-portfolio:
logoPosition: “front”,
Cool… it appears to work but are the logos centered?.. mine look off center or rather the back edge of the logo is the edge which then makes the logos look slightly off.
To prevent alignment problems the portfolio is a nested table.
The only way to get the alignment properly for now I have removed the total asset label if the logo is set to ‘back’
Your assets are too high if you keep your wealth below the 1000 GDP it would have worked fine :-) -
Ok, thanks for taking the time and looking into this for me :)
This is amazing! Where is this pulling the info from? Binance?
The data comes from
Hi on the MMM-crypto-portfolio module im struggling to display both SingularDTV and Linda - I’ve tried teh obvious ‘linda’ and ‘singularDTV’ but no luck - any suggestions?
SingularDTV is at position 280 and Linda at 351 at coincapmarket.
Just increase the limit: 100 in config.js to 380
If you look at the example config.js the last line tells you increase if your currency doesn’t appear there are over 1000 at (at this moment 1656)
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