Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Struggling with Pi0
That would be great. Thanks!
What is the correct way see the display? Is it the browser with the localhost:8080 address?
Thanks again for the help.
I believe the issue is that there are elements of nodejs that don’t get installed correctly using npm on the pi zero. Attached is a shell script that should do it from a fresh Raspbian Stretch Install. I put all the files in the home directory (~) and it all distributes itself from there by running
Let me know if that helps [](Uploading 100%) [1_1546385331100_pm2_MagicMirror.json](Uploading 100%) [](Uploading 100%)
I don’t know if those files uploaded… EDIT: I uploaded the wrong code just for this file; changes are a semi colon after line 2 and at the end of line 4; plus the directory has changed from
/home/pi/ to /home/pi/MagicMirror/PiZero/ in line 5#!/bin/bash cd ~/MagicMirror; node serveronly & sleep 30; sh /home/pi/MagicMirror/PiZero/
#!/bin/sh unclutter & chromium-browser --start-fullscreen --app http://localhost:8080
{ "apps" : [{ "name" : "MagicMirror", "script" : "~/MagicMirror/PiZero/", "watch" : ["/home/pi/MagicMirror/config/config.js"] }] }
#!/bin/bash #Pi Zero Install, largely plagiarised from MagicMirror2's shell script for Pi2 and Pi3 echo 'Updating Pi' sudo apt-get update; echo 'Upgrading Pi' sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get upgrade --fix-missing; echo 'Downloading node v11.6.0' curl -o node-v11.6.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz; #Most up to date recent version echo 'Extracting node v11.6.0' tar -xzf node-v11.6.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz; # extract files echo 'Extracting node and npm' cd node-v11.6.0-linux-armv6l/; sudo cp -R * /usr/local/; cd ~; sudo apt install git; sudo apt install unclutter; echo 'Cloning Magic Mirror' git clone; cd MagicMirror; echo 'Installing Magic Mirror Dependencies' npx npmc@latest install; npm install acorn@latest; npm install stylelint@latest; npm audit fix; echo 'Loading default config' # Use sample config for start MagicMirror cp config/config.js.sample config/config.js; #Set the splash screen to be magic mirror THEME_DIR="/usr/share/plymouth/themes" sudo mkdir $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror sudo cp ~/MagicMirror/splashscreen/splash.png $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror/splash.png && sudo cp ~/MagicMirror/splashscreen/MagicMirror.plymouth $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror/MagicMirror.plymouth && sudo cp ~/MagicMirror/splashscreen/MagicMirror.script $THEME_DIR/MagicMirror/MagicMirror.script; sudo plymouth-set-default-theme -R MagicMirror; mkdir ~/MagicMirror/PiZero; sudo mv ~/ ~/MagicMirror/PiZero/; sudo mv ~/pm2_MagicMirror.json ~/MagicMirror/PiZero/pm2_MagicMirror.json; sudo mv ~/ ~/MagicMirror/PiZero/; sudo chmod a+x ~/MagicMirror/PiZero/; sudo chmod a+x ~/MagicMirror/PiZero/pm2_MagicMirror.json; sudo chmod a+x ~/MagicMirror/PiZero/; # Use pm2 control like a service MagicMirror sudo npm install -g pm2; sudo su -c "env PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin pm2 startup systemd -u pi --hp /home/pi"; pm2 start /MagicMirror/PiZero/pm2_MagicMirror.json; pm2 save; echo 'Magic Mirror should begin shortly'
Takes about an hour depending on how up to date your Raspbian image is… I haven’t silenced/run any of the things in the background so you might get a couple of prompts where you just have to press enter (normally during the apt-get upgrade phase)
I will give this a try. Thanks for your help!
no worries. if you want to have a bit more control over it, you can execute each line of (minus the echo requests) directly in the terminal.
@rgatlin Did that work for you?
if now working, can you mark the post as solved please :)