Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
How to change the path of a picture in magicmirror , using MMM-imageSlideshow
I’m using three modules.
MMM-Testpython (This is the module I’m developing.)
MMM-Modulebar1When I click the click button implemented in the Testpython module code, I want to change the path of the file where the picture is stored. So I want to show you a picture of a different path.
modules/MMM-Testpython/nothing ->modules/MMM-Testpython/before
I implemented it using “sendnotification” in MMM-Testpython, “notificationreceived” in MMM-imageSlideshow.
It was confirmed that the output was successful on the console window.
before click
after click
However, the picture does not change on screen.
The code is as follows.
I’ve just modified the underline for @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/* global Module */ /* MMM-ImageSlideshow.js * * Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-ImageSlideshow * * Magic Mirror By Michael Teeuw * MIT Licensed. * * Module MMM-ImageSlideshow By Adam Moses * MIT Licensed. */ Module.register("MMM-ImageSlideshow", { // Default module config. defaults: { // an array of strings, each is a path to a directory with images imagePaths: [ 'modules/MMM-Testpython/nothing' ], // the speed at which to switch between images, in milliseconds slideshowSpeed: 10 * 1000, // if zero do nothing, otherwise set width to a pixel value fixedImageWidth: 0, // if zero do nothing, otherwise set height to a pixel value fixedImageHeight: 0, // if true randomize image order, otherwise do alphabetical randomizeImageOrder: false, // if true combine all images in all the paths // if false each path with be viewed seperately in the order listed treatAllPathsAsOne: false, // if true, all images will be made grayscale, otherwise as they are makeImagesGrayscale: false, // list of valid file extensions, seperated by commas validImageFileExtensions: 'bmp,jpg,gif,png', // a delay timer after all images have been shown, to wait to restart (in ms) delayUntilRestart: 0, }, // load function start: function () { // add identifier to the config this.config.identifier = this.identifier; // ensure file extensions are lower case this.config.validImageFileExtensions = this.config.validImageFileExtensions.toLowerCase(); // set no error this.errorMessage = null; if (this.config.imagePaths.length == 0) { this.errorMessage = "MMM-ImageSlideshow: Missing required parameter." } else { // create an empty image list this.imageList = []; // set beginning image index to -1, as it will auto increment on start this.imageIndex = -1; // ask helper function to get the image list this.sendSocketNotification('IMAGESLIDESHOW_REGISTER_CONFIG', this.config); // do one update time to clear the html this.updateDom(); // set a blank timer this.interval = null; } }, // Define required scripts. getStyles: function() { // the css contains the make grayscale code return ["imageslideshow.css"]; }, // the socket handler socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { // if an update was received if (notification === "IMAGESLIDESHOW_FILELIST") { // check this is for this module based on the woeid if (payload.identifier === this.identifier) { // set the image list this.imageList = payload.imageList; // if image list actually contains images // set loaded flag to true and update dom if (this.imageList.length > 0) { this.loaded = true; this.updateDom(); // set the timer schedule to the slideshow speed var self = this; this.interval = setInterval(function() { self.updateDom(); }, this.config.slideshowSpeed); } } } }, // Override dom generator. getDom: function () { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); // if an error, say so (currently no errors can occur) if (this.errorMessage != null) { wrapper.innerHTML = this.errorMessage; } // if no errors else { // if the image list has been loaded if (this.loaded === true) { // if was delayed until restart, reset index reset timer if (this.imageIndex == -2) { this.imageIndex = -1; clearInterval(this.interval); var self = this; this.interval = setInterval(function() { self.updateDom(0); }, this.config.slideshowSpeed); } // iterate the image list index this.imageIndex += 1; // set flag to show stuff var showSomething = true; // if exceeded the size of the list, go back to zero if (this.imageIndex == this.imageList.length) { // if delay after last image, set to wait if (this.config.delayUntilRestart > 0) { this.imageIndex = -2; wrapper.innerHTML = " "; showSomething = false; clearInterval(this.interval); var self = this; this.interval = setInterval(function() { self.updateDom(0); }, this.config.delayUntilRestart); } // if not reset index else this.imageIndex = 0; } if (showSomething) { // create the image dom bit var image = document.createElement("img"); // if set to make grayscale, flag the class set in the .css file if (this.config.makeImagesGrayscale) image.className = "desaturate"; // create an empty string var styleString = ''; // if width or height or non-zero, add them to the style string if (this.config.fixedImageWidth != 0) styleString += 'width:' + this.config.fixedImageWidth + 'px;'; if (this.config.fixedImageHeight != 0) styleString += 'height:' + this.config.fixedImageHeight + 'px;'; // if style string has antyhing, set it if (styleString != '') = styleString; // set the image location image.src = this.imageList[this.imageIndex]; // ad the image to the dom wrapper.appendChild(image); } } else { // if no data loaded yet, empty html wrapper.innerHTML = " "; } } // return the dom return wrapper; }, // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ my code @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ notificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { + " - received notification: " + notification); if(notification === "BEFORE"){ console.log("this payload : "+payload) this.config.imagePaths=payload var self = this; self.updateDom(); console.log("this config config payload : "+this.config.imagePaths) } } });
var Testpythons; Module.register("MMM-Testpython", { defaults: {}, start: function (){ Testpythons = this; }, getDom: function() { var element = document.createElement("div") element.className = "myContent""divid" element.innerHTML = "Hello, World!!! " + var subElement = document.createElement("p") subElement.innerHTML = "Click" = "clickid" element.appendChild(subElement) return element }, notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { switch(notification) { case "DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED": var elem = document.getElementById("clickid") elem.addEventListener("click", () => { // send!! Testpythons.sendNotification('BEFORE','modules/MMM-Testpython/before'); elem.innerHTML = "click success" }) break } } })
@emrhssla i think this is a caching problem… the ‘file’ was already loaded…
see this discussion about adding a string to the end of the image filename to make it ‘unique’
thus not reading from cache
however, this will add a new image to be cached… eventually growing maybe beyond memory limits…
another way is to disable caching in electronin MagicMirror/js/electron.js
add this linefunction createWindow() { app.commandLine.appendSwitch('--disable-http-cache'); //< -------- added var electronOptionsDefaults = {
@emrhssla because ImageSlideshow is using hard coded paths
imagePaths: [ ‘modules/MMM-Testpython/nothing’ ],
U must add the before path to the list
There’s no other way.
Then there’s one more question. Originally, MMM-Testpython is a module that uses python files to capture pictures.I tried to show the captured pictures using MMM-imageSlideshow.
To sum up, what I want is:
1.Run the magic mirror.
2.MMM-imageSlideShow runs to show the pictures in the folder
3.Use MMM-Testpython to capture it with a webcam.
4.Replace original photos by covering them.
------I’ve been successful so far----
5. MMM-imageSlideshow module has been updated to show only captured pictures (failed)So what I’m wondering is if I can update MMM-imageSlideshow in the Magic Mirror.
Updatedom() will not be renewed.
@emrhssla what do u mean by update ImageSlideshow?
Change it’s paths dynamically?
I dont think so -
not about path updateabout replacing a picture with an overwritten one dynamically.
@emrhssla should be able to without problem… either write code to do it… or launch a shell cp command (copy)
also, MMM-ImageSlideshow only gets the file list once… then reshows it over and over…
MMM-ImagesPhotos refreshes the list every 60 seconds… ( getInterval: 60000)
var Testpythons; Module.register("MMM-Testpython", { defaults: {}, start: function (){ Testpythons = this; }, getDom: function() { var element = document.createElement("div") element.className = "myContent""divid" element.innerHTML = "Hello, World!!! " + var subElement = document.createElement("p") subElement.innerHTML = "Click" = "clickid" element.appendChild(subElement) return element }, notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { switch(notification) { case "DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED": var elem = document.getElementById("clickid") elem.addEventListener("click", () => { // Testpythons.sendSocketNotification("TEST") // console.log(" click success !") elem.innerHTML = "click success" }) break } }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { switch(notification) { case "AFTERCLICK": console.log("Socket recevied payload : "+payload) var elemk = document.getElementById("clickid") // Testpythons.sendNotification('SHOWCHANGEDIMAGE'); // elemk.innerHTML = payload break } } })
node_helper.js(in MMM-Testpython)
var NodeHelper = require("node_helper"); var {PythonShell} = require('python-shell'); var socketTestpython; module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function() { socketTestpython=this; console.log("node_helper started") }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { switch(notification) { case "TEST": console.log("notification : " + notification)'/home/pi/Desktop/BeautyMirror/modules/MMM-Testpython/', null, function (err, result) { if (err) throw err; console.log(result); socketTestpython.sendSocketNotification("AFTERCLICK",result); }); break } } })
I added only the following code from the original module code.notificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { + " - received notification: " + notification); if(notification === "DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED"){ this.hide() } if(notification === "SHOWCHANGEDIMAGE"){ var self = this; self.updateDom();; } }
console is success…
image before capture
capture image
after caputure
not changed in screen omg… -
@emrhssla if u stop mirror and restart, does the new image appear? (as u overlaid the old one)…
if not, then your overlay function doesn’t work…