Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Magic Mirror Alexa
Hi All,
I’m soo addicted to Magic Mirror stuff that I want to look at all the possible things that I can integrate with it.
I have good amount of experience in developing Alexa skills using ASK but never did it using AVS. Here is my question.
There are a lot of modules developed around Alexa(I’ve seen 3 if I’m not wrong). But everywhere I see, I’ve seen that it’s linked to Pi(someway or the other as MM is primarily Pi focused thing). I was wondering if there is a way(/possibility) of implementing the same Alexa services without using Pi (I initially wanted to test in my local machine before putting it out onto my Pi). The microphone used would be of my machine’s(MacBook Pro).
Please let me know on how can I do this.
Sunny. -
@sunnykeerthi sure I have it implemented on pi, odroid and Jetson nano. Note that hotword uses snowboy that does not work on windows
Hi @sdetweil,
Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve seen the snowboy project on github. I’ll check it out and keep you posted. Thanks again mate!!!
@sunnykeerthi you will gave to do the manual install of mm
Hey @sdetweil ,
I’m referring t o the module MMM-awesome-alexa. event this has got rasberry pi as a mandate thing 😞 . I was going through the read me and saw this article Can you please point out me to an existing module or a link for my reference where I can use Alexa with MM on my mac.
Sunny -
@sunnykeerthi MMM-Alexa