Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
config.js help
@dazza120 I was just having another look at it, and moved it to top_right, since there are no modules running in that area at the moment. No success.
I changed all quotation marks from single to double, like ‘top_left’ to “top_right” in the module, position and header lines, no success.
Running “npm run config:check” gives no errors. Running “rpm start dev” gives no errors. Double checked all { and [ with their corresponding } and ] in a text editor.
Checked if perhaps the module has any dependencies, which is not the case.
I have this issue with several modules, no errors, but they just don’t show in MM itself.Is there perhaps some sort of logging which I can check?
@dazza120 OK, I’ll wait and see what he can come up with. Thanks for your time and quick replies.
@DaVinki hm… i installed the module and copied your config and it shows up just below my calendar on the left without any other changes
@sdetweil Hi Sam,
So, I am not going nuts, there is no issue in the code, but somewhere else. Is there any logging I can check?
@DaVinki If you do a
shift + ctrl + i
it will open a panel on the right. Scroll up on the Consol and see for any red lines, which would indicate errors. It could also be that there are conflicts with other modules. -
@DaVinki just for testting, can u move the module block to the top of the list in config.js?
the modules are placed in order of appearance in the config file…
mine is date/time, calendar, then MMM-MyDutchWeather
trying to get a pic uploaded…
@DaVinki that is the elements tab, select the console tab please
@sdetweil And there we have it. Just wondering. the server it is referring to, is that local server, or the server from which data is pulled from?