Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
For executing a reboot you need sudo privileges for the crontab. Try this
Open crontab with root privileges (sudo): $ sudo crontab -e Add the cronjob: # - reboots the MM everyday at 1:05 and 13:05 # - redirects stdout and stderror to dev/null 5 1,13 * * * sudo reboot >dev/null 2>&1 Save and exit crontab.
Please note the ‚sudo‘ before ‚crontab -e’ and don‘t forget ‚sudo‘ before ‚reboot‘.
@sdetweil why violent? As far as I know reboot is an alias for shutdown -r and does exactly the same. At least that is info I found in multiple posts on stackexchange. Could you elaborate a bit on that? Just eager to understand the difference and to avoid a mistake in the future.
@Fozi i wasn’t aware of that… seems to me reboot always was forced hard…
so… maybe you are right… -
@sdetweil no, it‘s not a hard shutoff. You can easily check the activity on the SD card when executing reboot before it powers off. Means it stops obviously process and writes necessary data to the card first, just like shutdown.
Thank you guys. It works now. I have a secondary issue. The calendar have on top a title , I called it “my calendar” , how can I increase the font size only if the title ? The events I already increased them but the title of the module is very small
@cornusandu said in Autorestart:
The calendar have on top a title , I called it “my calendar” , how can I increase the font size only if the title ?
Assuming the default calendar module, add this to your custom.css file and adjust accordingly…
.calendar .module-header { color: yellow; text-align: center; font-size: 34px; }
@Mykle1 thank you very much
@cornusandu said in Autorestart:
thank you very much
I’m guessing that worked for you. Cool. Enjoy your experience.
@Mykle1 Similar issue but how can i increase the font size of the dates? Thanks