Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
read csv-data and put it in an array
@Perlchamp thx…
in debugging
put a stop on the self.updateDom() in the notiification code.
no place elsehit refresh
when it stops there,
scroll down to getdom and add a stop on the 1st for loop linehit run arrow,
should stop in getdom now, with data -
@perl here is the updated perlchamp.js, shows date, persons name and age (no formatting)
Module.register("perlchamp", { defaults: { language: "de", dimmEntries: true, // true: dims entries and the associated // symbol when the date has expired. // false: delete entries and the associated // symbol when the date has expired. // used if look forward is desired, add to module config in config.js days_forward:0, }, // place to save birthdays to display active_birthdays : {}, init: function(){ Log.log( + " is in init!"); }, start: function(){ Log.log("Starting module: " +; // Set locale moment.locale(config.language); }, loaded: function(callback) { Log.log( + " is loaded!"); callback(); }, // return list of other functional scripts to use, if any (like require in node_helper) getScripts: function() { return ["moment.js"]; }, // return list of stylesheet files to use if any getStyles: function() { return [ + "/css/perlchamp.css"]; }, /* // return list of translation files to use, if any getTranslations: function() { return { // sample of list of files to specify here, if no files, do not use this routine, , or return empty list // en: "translations/en.json", (folders and filenames in your module folder) // de: "translations/de.json" } }, */ // only called if the module header was configured in module config in config.js getHeader: function() { return; }, // messages received from other modules and the system (NOT from your node helper) // payload is a notification dependent data structure notificationReceived: function(notification, payload, sender) { // once everybody is loaded up if(notification==="ALL_MODULES_STARTED"){ // send our config to our node_helper this.sendSocketNotification("CONFIG",this.config); } if (sender) { Log.log( + " received a module notification: " + notification + " from sender: " +; } else { Log.log( + " received a system notification: " + notification); } }, // messages received from from your node helper (NOT other modules or the system) // payload is a notification dependent data structure, up to you to design between module and node_helper socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { /* Log.log( + " received a socket notification: " + notification + " - Payload: " + payload); if(notification === "message_from_helper"){ this.config.message = payload; // tell mirror runtime that our data has changed, // we will be called back at GetDom() to provide the updated content this.updateDom(1000); } */ if(notification === "have data"){ var self = this Log.log( + " received a socket notification: " + notification + " - Payload: " + payload); var now = moment(); // clear the old list this.active_birthdays={} // only calculate in advance once var birthday_time_window=moment().add(self.config.days_forward,'days') // loop thru the birthdays from the file for( var birthday of payload) { // get 1st 5 chars of birthdate, thru month // we will use this as the key in the hash var birth_date=birthday.birth.substring(0,5) // get the birthday as a moment in this year, for comparing var birth_date_moment = moment(birth_date+now.year(),"DD.MMYYYY") // u can add days to a moment object and then compare if the birthdate is before that date (and after now) // so within the next xx days // if the date is the same or later, don't use time of day if(birth_date_moment.startOf('day').isSameOrAfter(now.startOf('day')) && birth_date_moment.startOf('day').isSameOrBefore(birthday_time_window.startOf('day')) ){ // birthday is in this month // check the hash if we've seen anything for today yet // if we haven't see this date yet if(self.active_birthdays[birth_date] == undefined){ // create the holder for its info (array of info) in the hash self.active_birthdays[birth_date]=[] } // save the persons name and age on the list self.active_birthdays[birth_date].push({'name', 'age': now.diff(moment(birthday.birth,'DD.MM.YYYY'), 'years') }) } } // tell MM to call and get our content self.updateDom(); } /* this.config.message = payload; // tell mirror runtime that our data has changed, // we will be called back at GetDom() to provide the updated content this.updateDom(1000) // filters the birthdaylist and output only the birthdays // of the current month, sorted (ascending) by days in // the following format: // [{ day: "10", name: ["firstname lastname",...] }] // set variables var today_month = moment().format("MM"); var today_day_month = moment().format("DD.MM"); var result = Object.entries(jsonObj .filter(({birth}) => birth.split('.')[1] === today_month) .reduce((a, {birth, name}) => { const day = +birth.split('.')[0]; a[day] = [...(a[day] || []), name]; return a }, {}) ).map(([day, name]) => ({day, name})).sort((a, b) => -; birthdaysArray = result; // for debugging only //console.log("filtered and sorted: ", birthdaysArray); */ }, // system notification your module is being hidden // typically you would stop doing UI updates (getDom/updateDom) if the module is hidden suspend: function(){ }, // system notification your module is being unhidden/shown // typically you would resume doing UI updates (getDom/updateDom) if the module is shown resume: function(){ }, // this is the major worker of the module, it provides the displayable content for this module getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); // create your table and header here for(var birthday of Object.keys(this.active_birthdays)){ for(var person of this.active_birthdays[birthday]){ var m=document.createElement('div') // create tyour table row here m.innerText=birthday+ ' '+' age='+person.age wrapper.appendChild(m) } } // create your table footer here // pass the created content back to MM to add to DOM. return wrapper; } })
this is the birthdays.csv I was using
the column names are the field names in the jsonobjbirth, name 12.07.1952, Sam 11.09.1944, Peg 02.05.1939, Frank 09.04.1953, June 09.04.1953, Jane 30.12.1955, Joan 02.05.1939, Sue 05.05.1955, mary
hi sam :-)
see my module-file. why i don’t get values for the Log.log(); statements ?// this is the major worker of the module, it provides the displayable content for this module getDom: function() { var self = this; var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); Log.log("this.active_birthdays >>>>> ", this.active_birthdays); for(var birthday of Object.keys(this.active_birthdays)) { for(var name of this.active_birthdays[birthday]) { var m = document.createElement("div"); Log.log("BIRTHDAY >> " + birthday); Log.log("NAME >> " + name); m.innerText = birthday + " " + name; wrapper.appendChild(m); } } // pass the created content back to MM to add to DOM. return wrapper; }
@Perlchamp said in read csv-data and put it in an array:
for(var birthday of Object.keys(this.active_birthdays)) { for(var name of this.active_birthdays[birthday]) {
that means one of those two for loops didn’t execute, as the list is empty
do this
// tell MM to call and get our content Log.log(JSON.stringify(this.active_birthdays)) // add this line self.updateDom(); // before this line in the notification code..
and where i have to place it ?
@Perlchamp see my updated post above
i get this for each entry (here i only posted one of them):
[2020-05-02 17:50:36.803] [LOG] LOOK >>>>>>{} (/home/dirk/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Logging/node_helper.js:34 Class.socketNotificationReceived)
empty: {}
@Perlchamp ok, so the data collection didn’t work…
so I would step thru that code
what is the 1st row of your csv file? the column headers
before you do this. stop. i make an error. the code you posted is not in the notification section. it’s in the getDom section … so i placed it there. was this wrong ?
@Perlchamp there is NOT an this. updateDom() in the getDom() section…
still doesn’t change the result… there are no birthdays found that match 02/05