Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Unable to update modules
@sdetweil it looks like it’s present in all my modules because I get the same error when attempting to up those as well and my MagicMirror software as well. Any way to complete remove it ?
@KumarTRD every module that has a package.json file and uses the step npm install will have a lock file.
but as I said, it should NOT have been included in the git package, because it produces this error, and prevents users from moving forward -
@sdetweil ok I’ll give it a try thanks for your assistance.
@sdetweil any way to remove it manually?
@KumarTRD to update MagicMirror itself, use my update script
see here a 2 step process… run once to understand what is going on and things u might have to do, run second time to DO the update
@sdetweil thanks for the script I’ll save it for later use and it worked thanks!!