Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@uok825 said in MMM-awesome-alexa:
pi 1217 1215 0 Haz26 ? 00:00:00 -bash
pi 1307 1 0 Haz26 ? 00:00:00 /bin/bash ./
pi 1308 1307 1 Haz26 ? 00:04:24 node serveronlysomebody has the server running
if u are using my install script, it starts serveronly and then connects chromium over that
as there is no electron browser for pi0. (but only on pi 0/armv6l devices)show package.json
“start” line -
@sdetweil I used yourse
@uok825 yep, so server is running on port 8080…
sudo kill -9 1308
but pm2 stop
should have stopped that, does on my pi0 -
What is that error? -
@uok825 no idea… not my module… his code is impossible to understand, typescript compiled to js, then minified…
@sdetweil I killed -9 1308, what is next? changing port to 8080 again?
@uok825 yeh i guess… then npm start to verify runs, then ctrl-c and make sure it stops (ps -ef | grep node
the pm2 start and pm2 stop -
@sdetweil sure, i doing. I need to fix this alexa problem
Anyone can help me please how do i get an authentication number for Alexa? I have tried to add of these pages are giving me code after when i click agree, to consent screen. i just end up with
Amazon Error page with no number on address bar.
We’re sorry!
An error occurred when we tried to process your request. Rest assured, we’re already working on the problem and expect to resolve it shortly. -
@nkchokshi which return url did I specify in Amazon, and u MUST use that one
u want one that will be on the local. machine. so, localhost:7777 might be good