Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
My 7" touch multi-digital picture frame (MuDiPiFra) with additional functions and more :-) Update: now with snow
… i did it ! 🥳 I love it :heart_suit: , the submenu works fine.
…work continued.
Additional button for rain and weather charts with all data. Only the temperature is displayed on the main page. So I save space at the bottom of the main buttons.
Webradio already installed, but the transmission via bluetooth does not work yet.
Stay tuned!
… i love the Webcams
Hello, I am always asked which modules I have installed. It’s these here. Everything brought into position with css.
I have a spare Pi and the 7inch touchscreen case sitting here doing nothing…I might have to make this…LOL
@cyberphox 🤣 ok 🍻
… now with webradio and mediathek for my children
… and this is what the station currently looks like
Very nice looking.
I have never used the navigation buttons. Can you please explain what each one links to.
Thank you -
I’m inspired, too… digging out that touchscreen…
… it was my pleasure. :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_winking_eye:
I think it’ll be a never-ending story … I’m currently installing a camera in a bird’s nest box, then of course streaming on this project and after a few of my children’s radio plays found their way to the pi, now it’s my turn to play music.