Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Calendar and iCloud
@Stoffbeuteluwe all he was saying is that he had to change webcal:// to https:// on the calendar url
@sdetweil ok :slightly_smiling_face:
@sdetweil exactly, thanks :)
@Stoffbeuteluwe Sorry, not sure i understand you. But it took me a few hours to make it work because i do not want to use gogol agenda.
I thought this could be helpful for other users :) (and i added a french translation for those who do not speak english)
I tried to use other agenda (NextCloud) but did not succeed yetThanks anyway for your help
have a great day
damien -
@lodam Hey there! So I tried to sync my icloud calendar and using “https://xxxxxx…” I was able to get the MM started, however none of my events on this calendar are showing up. Just the baseline holiday one that comes with the MM. Was wondering if you had any insight to that.
I was able to do this without making my iCloud calendar public. Look around for vdirsyncer. It gives you the ability to log in to iCloud and replicate your calendar locally. Then point your calendar to your local ics file. I have mine refreshing a few times a day. Works like a charm.