Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Compliments remotefile
@alhen18 the remotefile is supposed to start
}use one of the online json validators to make sure its valid
@sdetweil Thanks, for the respons, I do not have any problem getting a remote .json file to work, I have tried with yours :
I think that I will just post mine on GitHub and there by also making it easier to edit in it at a later time :)
@alhen18 then what was the problem u reported?
The real problem is that i cant get it to load from a local folder
@alhen18 local folder has in modules tree
@sdetweil It is also places under /modules/default/compliments/file.json
And the .json file is build as i would construct a .json fil at any other given point
@alhen18 i dont understand. you say it doesnt work, but then describe how to make it work