Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Stock Cannot read property 'toLowerCase'
@sdetweil No errors have come up, but it also has not displayed, have been waiting for around 10 minutes
@brendan_c23 did u change the other lines back?
open the developers window ctrl-shift-i, console tab, ‘stock’ in the filter field (no quotes)
@sdetweil They should be, but just in case Im missing something…
Module.register(“MMM-Stock”, {
result: {},
defaults: {
updateInterval: 60000,
fadeSpeed: 1000,
companies: [“GOOGL”, “YHOO”],
currency: “usd”,
baseURL: “”,
apikey: “IPWULBT54Y3LHJME”
},getStyles: function() { return ["MMM-Stock.css"]; }, getTranslations: function() { return false; }, start: function() { this.getStocks(); if(this.config.currency.toLowerCase() != "usd"){ this.getExchangeRate(); } this.scheduleUpdate(); }, getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.className = "quotes"; var list = document.createElement("ul"); var data = this.result; // the data is not ready if(Object.keys(data).length === 0 && data.constructor === Object){ return wrapper; } //if another currency is required - usd is default var differentCurrency = false; if(this.config.currency.toLowerCase() != "usd"){ differentCurrency = true; var requiredCurrency = this.config.currency.toUpperCase(); } for (var key in data) { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {continue;} var symbol = key; var obj = data[key]; var current = obj[0]; var prev = obj[1]; var price = current["4. close"]; var change = prev["4. close"] - current["4. close"]; var html = ""; var priceClass = "greentext", priceIcon="up_green"; if(change < 0) { priceClass = "redtext"; priceIcon="down_red"; } html = html + "<span class='" + priceClass + "'>"; html = html + "<span class='quote'> (" + symbol + ")</span> "; html = html + parseFloat(price).toFixed(2) + " USD"; html = html + "<span class='" + priceIcon + "'></span>" + parseFloat(Math.abs(change)).toFixed(2); var stock = document.createElement("span"); stock.className = "stockTicker"; stock.innerHTML = html; var listItem = document.createElement("li"); listItem.innerHTML = html; list.appendChild(listItem); } wrapper.appendChild(list); return wrapper; }, scheduleUpdate: function(delay) { var loadTime = this.config.updateInterval; if (typeof delay !== "undefined" && delay >= 0) { loadTime = delay; } var that = this; setInterval(function() { that.getStocks(); if(that.config.currency.toLowerCase() != "usd"){ that.getExchangeRate(); } }, loadTime); }, getStocks: function () { var allCompanies = this.config.companies; var urls = []; for(var company in allCompanies){ var url = this.config.baseURL + "query?function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&outputsize=compact&symbol=" + allCompanies[company] + "&apikey=" + this.config.apikey; urls.push(url); } this.sendSocketNotification("GET_STOCKS", urls); }, getExchangeRate: function () { var url = this.config.baseURL + "?q=select%20*'USD" + this.config.currency + "')&format=json&diagnostics=true&" this.sendSocketNotification("GET_EXCHANGE_RATE", url); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === "STOCK_RESULT") { this.result = payload; this.updateDom(self.config.fadeSpeed); } else if(notification === "EXCHANGE_RATE"){ this.rate = payload; } }
@sdetweil Load script: modules/MMM-Stock//MMM-Stock.js
module.js:517 Module registered: MMM-Stock
loader.js:148 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Stock
loader.js:153 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Stock
loader.js:195 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Stock/MMM-Stock.css
loader.js:155 Styles loaded for: MMM-Stock
loader.js:157 Translations loaded for: MMM-Stock -
@sdetweil yes, and I remember there being a delay before when it worked (around 5 mins) , but never this long as I am yet to see it, but here is the config
module: “MMM-Stock”,
position: “bottom_right”,
config: {
companies: [“SPY”, “GME”, “AMC”, “NOK”, “BB”]
}, -
@sdetweil Could you try running it with both my config entry and MMM-stock.js entry I’ve posted and let me know if it works for you?
@brendan_c23 I have been doing that… it worked before, and doesn’t work now…
the node_helper request for the stock info says that the response isn’t right…
@sdetweil What do you think it could be? I am going to try copying original .js from hakanmhmd and make sure I didnt make any small changes I wasnt aware of , or maybe just delete and try to re download it
[06.03.2021 12:14.17.736] [LOG] stock processing request urls=["","","","",""] [06.03.2021 12:14.17.828] [LOG] stock received request response [06.03.2021 12:14.17.828] [LOG] stock request response no meta info
the api is not returning the data expected… it was working for before with that one little change…
I have tried all kinds of updates, but nothing resolves this issue…
the module sent the request to the node helper, the helper is working thru the list, but never gets a good response