Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Images issue on forum
Now you mention it, I got the same there.
Post image is more then half visible.
And this is the real picture’s to bad I can edit my post (reason: Error - You are only allowed to edit posts for 2 hour(s) 26 minute(s) after posting)
Otherways I could check if you/I need to specify the pixel height and width. -
It’s a loading issue, if you update the page (f5 in your browser) it should appear in full, at least it does for me almost everytime. When it doesn’t I just rightclick and select show picture
And I think there is a option in the forum settings that sets if you want pictures loaded or not
Damm your right, I found the setting: Delay Image Loading - If enabled, images in topics will not load until they are scrolled into view.
Thanks man