Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Run MM2 from within Home Assistant
@sdetweil - what does it mean to ‘fork’ it?
@gkchimz on github, top right is a button called fork
means make a connected copy
now you can change yours all u want… and IF you have something u want to contribute back, you create a PULL request , for the author to PULL your changes into their master copy…
@moriarte You can but what I did is install it on the same server as HA and run it on its own. I did that so I can run HA and MM which I can then display either or on my bathroom mirror. ;)
I didn’t want MM running with HA, I wanted them independent of each other.
@cowboysdude Do you have a way of toggling between HA and MM?
@dmolony I running both on Brave Browser so at the moment I have tabs set up one for each and when I want to look I change out of full screen mode and look.
Yes I know, NOT very practical but it does work for me because my MM install really isn’t made to be seen other then the other mirrors I have set up in my house and the ‘server’ is really for HA as it’s a 32" touch screen.
I just have it installed that way because my ‘server’ is a mini-ITX that runs a real CPU and 8 gigs of ram :) Some of my modules for MM cannot run on a pi as to get my data it’s very taxing soooooooo… a mini ITX it is :)
@cowboysdude Cool. 32" HA touch dashboard sounds awesome!