Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I’m attempting to add that kind of functionality - notification support. The main problem I’m having right now, is that I’m not understanding how notifications are supposed to be working, and can’t seem to get it working in a test module.
Thank you very much. This is very nice to see the weekends better.
But what i´m looking for is that the childs holidays (summer, winter,…) are highlited in another color to see it very quick when the child has no school. That´s good for planning holidays.Other way is like you wrote to do this in a list but if there is a way to include it in your calendar that would be great !
This post is deleted! - 9 days later
Update on pending requests.
Due to insufficient documentation on the core, I’m abandoning attempts to highlight anything other than the current day at this time. I may pick it up at another time, I may not.
I can’t get anything to work in a test module, I’m frustrated, confused, and lost.
I officially give up on any sort of highlighting at this time. I may pick it up later, may not.
This post is deleted! - about a month later
I just found this and wanted to say thank you, exactly what I was looking for :-)
@nibblerrick Thank you for the comment. :)
@hango My main problem now is how to tear down the arrays issued by the default calendar app - I’m not understanding that part of JS.
@BKeyport issued? u mean notification ?
each event looks like this
title: recurrenceTitle, startDate: startDate.format("x"), endDate: endDate.format("x"), fullDayEvent: true/false, recurringEvent: true/false, class: event.class, firstYear: event.start.getFullYear(), location: location, geo: geo, description: description
for(let event of payload){ event.title ... ... }
- 25 days later
I’ve now added the ability to highlight weekends, per request of a user.