Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Unable to update modules
@KumarTRD to update MagicMirror itself, use my update script
see here a 2 step process… run once to understand what is going on and things u might have to do, run second time to DO the update
@sdetweil thanks for the script I’ll save it for later use and it worked thanks!!
Resurrecting an old thread. Still fairly new to this stuff and trying to learn how to solve problems others have had before…
I’ve got notifications that several modules need to be updated and I’m trying to get them done. Currently attempting to update MMM-Remote-Control using the instructions provided :
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Remote-Control # adapt directory if you are using a different one
git pull
npm install # install (new) dependenciesI am getting the same messages as the OP. I am in the module folder and tried running the rm command and I get this:
~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Remote-Control $ rm package-lock.json
rm: cannot remove ‘package-lock.json’: No such file or directoryI thought maybe that meant that I had deleted the package-lock and tried running the update command again, but keep getting the same message.
I tried running the install script again, and when asked if I wanted to update (Y), I ended up with the same problem.
Appreciate any guidance. Running MM v2.30.0 (installed using Sam’s scripts) on RPI 3B+.
~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Remote-Control $ git status
On branch master
Your branch is behind ‘origin/master’ by 8 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use “git pull” to update your local branch)Changes not staged for commit:
(use “git add/rm …” to update what will be committed)
(use “git restore …” to discard changes in working directory)
modified: modules.json
deleted: package-lock.json
modified: package.jsonno changes added to commit (use “git add” and/or “git commit -a”)
That worked! I have no idea what we just did, but the update went through and it’s rebooted just fine.Sam, you truly are a wizard in my mind. Thanks for all your time and effort helping us.
That worked! No idea what we just did, but the update went through and MM worked fine after reboot, to include the module,Sam, you’re a wizard as far as I’m concerned. Thanks for taking the time to assist us less savvy folks.
@rmcon thanks, but no wizardry
a little info
we use a source code repository, that keeps track of every file change, add, delete, rename, whatever.
on linux there is no hidden file attribute, like on Windows… but by convention, if a file or folder starts with a dot(.) then it is not shown unless explicitly requested
git is the source code repository we all use (MM and the modules)
it is called a distributed scm (source code mgmt) system, because whenever you have some of a repo, you have ALL of it from its start to now…you git clone to make a local copy (linked to the source of the clone)
on linux that is stored in the .git folder (notice the .)
it knows about every little change to any of the files… oh
when you see them, that is called the ‘working copy’… may match the repo, might notso, we asked git, tell me the status of the working copy as compared to the repository (in the .git folder)
and it said some file hand changed and some file had been deleted.
neither of those files (package.json or package-lock.json) affect the actual running of the module, they are part of the housekeeping, setup, installation…now, you said you were going to UPDATE cause the module had changed,
so you don’t NEED those files as they exist(or don’t) , cause you are going to PULL a NEW copy of the repo to your system (repo and working copy)git provides commands to do lots of things,
you can look thru the history of the repo, with git log and git historyan important idea, is a pointer to the top of the last incorporated (committed) changes
that term is called HEAD, the HEAD of the change tree…so, we asked git, please restore our working copy (and any potential additions (commits) to the repo BACK to the HEAD position
AND reset all the working copy files too…
git reset --hard HEAD
–hard means and working copy
ok, so NOW we have the working copy matching the repo state of the clone you didnow lets ask to refresh the local repo with the repo copy that has changed
that action is PULL the repo to us, and resynch
(it doesn’t like it when the working copy doesn’t match its expectations, so we ‘forced’ it back to HEAD)now the PULL updates the repo, AND the working copy… phew… and it updated the two files it was unsure about before
but who knows what the impact of the change are (the module author, did we look at any comments he might have made (no… not me!)…)
so, lets just redo the node package managers view of the system
npm install will recheck any locally added libraries (in node_modules folder)
and do any pre/post install tasks defined in the package.jsonNOW we are file level up to date with the latest official repo
AND we are runtime up to date