Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-AlexaControl or MMM-AlexaOn/Off setup
@sdetweil yes i did still no luck i think I’ll just wait for a new module like this to come out and hopefully that’ll work
Thanks for your help appreciate it
@sdetweil actually take a look at this
No response
@sdetweil in config.js add
disabled: true,
to the MMM_AlexaControl module def
{ module: 'MMM-AlexaControl', disabled: true, /// add this line position: whatever, config:{ } },
and restart MM, then in another window to the netstat -a -p command again
it is hard to help if you don’t respond
@sdetweil sorry so i just did what u said and still the same like last time
@dave_ no response?
show me MM messages -
@dave_ and while MM was running you were supposed to do the netstat -a -p commands to see if the process blocking port 1900 is inside MM…