Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
General Mucking Around with MM
@sdetweil … thanks for the tip re alternate ssh clients. I will look at that.
I still need to work out the ipWhitelist thing … but it sounds like I can peek at my mm from any networked pc in the house. Does that include a mac?
Edit: Got ipwhitelist to work and both wife and I can see the mm from any location inside my network.
@ruff-hi yeh, you can add specific addresses if u want to allow only some, or exclude… all kinds of filtering
first u gotta GET on you network, THEN find some ip address THEN find some port…
THEN u gotta find a hack way INSIDE that box… seems like a lotta work for not much typical value…
I don’t have any passwords used on my MM… -
What I did was to simlink my config.js and custom.css files so I could have them in one directory, and used samba so I could share that directory to windows for editing.
@BKeyport another cool idea!
I got 7 machines running all the time -
@sdetweil bonus, with a bit of trickery, I’ve got that directory backing up as needed to GitHub under a private git. 😃
For example if you use this for SSH:…you can edit config files etc. on another machine and when you save it asks if you want to upload back to rpi.
Thx all - lots of interesting suggestions to play around with.
I detached the 7" screen from the RPI and now mm won’t start.
0|mm | (electron:30477): Gtk-WARNING **: 06:02:18.928: cannot open display: :0 0|mm | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE 0|mm | npm ERR! errno 1 0|mm | npm ERR! magicmirror@2.13.0 start: `DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js` 0|mm | npm ERR! Exit status 1 0|mm | npm ERR! 0|mm | npm ERR! Failed at the magicmirror@2.13.0 start script. 0|mm | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. 0|mm | 0|mm | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: 0|mm | npm ERR! /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2020-10-24T10_02_18_961Z-debug.log
Is this something about having to start the magicmirror in server mode?
google to the rescue … must remember to google the actual error message and not what you think the problem is.
I googled “rpi magic mirror cannot open display” and it displayed some posts about this very issue … one of them contained this suggestion …
Ok, there might be a problem with your electron installation. Can you go into your MagicMirror folder and type “node serveronly”? Then, go back to your browser window and type in “localhost:8080”
Jump over to the mm folder, mistype ‘note serveronly’ and then ‘node serveronly’ … and my mm is back :)
how to I make node serveronly permanent? Embed it in the start script?
Edit: answer: that worked on reboot. now contains …
cd ./MagicMirror DISPLAY=:0 npm start node serveronly
I’ve installed samba file sharing on my pi and managed to connect via my win10 machine … so now I can do away with the complicated method I was using to update sh files.
@ruff-hi if you turn on SSH on your pi, and then use WinScp or bitvise ssh clients, they give you a terminal window AND a filemanager view over the pi files… so you just click to edit, and both support drag/drop in both directions