Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
White Screen after starting Magic Mirror
Are you working on your raspberry directly? You should be able to switch with alt + tab.
As an alternative you could run
node serveronly
, open the browser on your own and go to http://localhost:8080 -
Yes i work on raspberry directly. Sadly i did mot found a way to test my work on my mac!? Ok thanks! alt + tab is working. But it still s**** a bit when i have to restart my raspberry after ever fault i did…
Ctrl+q quits the mirror, ctrl+r reloads the page.
No. Ctrl + q is not working… It works when the mirror is running but with my white screen it is now more possible to quit it with this command…
i got it! When i change with alt + tab to the Terminal i can close the Terminal and that also Quits my mirror! Thanks!
Yes, I forgot to mention that. You can also press ctrl + c in console to kill the mirror process. So you don’t have to close the terminal every time