Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
module that displays a certain text from a website, the text on the website is updated daily
well, I’ll get started then. Keep your fingers crossed.
@Amoniak gotta go read the library usage
It gonna be harder than u think as your text is changing daily. Just follow the the pattern.
Every day this is changed(
new day new text.
Text is in :
div id=“dailyText”
but if you ignore reference in text as (Mat. 16:24, 25; Ivan 15:20) located in a class it’s gonna be more easier.
And with cheerio u can complete this. -
so, this is what my NodeHelper.js looks like. like i thought, the screen is black.
const axios = require("axios"); const DetectLanguage = require("detectlanguage"); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ socketNotificationReceived: async function(noti, payload) { if (noti === "START") { if (payload.updateInterval < 120000) { payload.updateInterval = 120000; } const self = this; (async function displayWatchtower () { const poem = await getWatchtower(payload); self.sendSocketNotification("UPDATE", poem); setTimeout(displayPoem, payload.updateInterval); })(); } } }); const cheerio = require("cheerio"); const axios = require("axios").default; const fethHtml = async url => { try { const { data } = await axios.get(url); return data; } catch { console.error(`ERROR: An error occurred while trying to fetch the URL: ${url}`); } }; const extracWatchtower = selector => { const theme = selector .find(".tabContent active") .find("[class='themeScrp'] > [class='b']) .text() .trim(); const text = selector .find(".bodyTxt") .find("[class='section']") .text() .trim(); return { theme, text }; }; const scrapWatchtower = async () => { const watchtowerUrl = ""; const html = await fethHtml(watchtowerUrl); const selector = cheerio.load(html); const searchResults = selector("body") .find("#dailyText" ); const deals =, el) => { const elementSelector = selector(el); return extractDeal(elementSelector) }) .get(); return Watchtower; };
@Amoniak there are lots of missing pieces… add console.log with some message in each function and see how the flow works.
Try to do something with this code. It will retrieve data from current day. Modifying that node_helper is not great idea.
const url= ''; request({ url: url, method: 'GET' }, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { return console.error(error) }; var $ = cheerio.load(body); //console.log($.html()); const data = $('div[class="tabContent"]').first(); let header = $(data).find('h2').text(); let title = $(data).find('p').first().text(); let text = $(data).find('div.pGroup>p').text(); //console.log(header,title,text); var recivedData={ header, title, text }; //console.log(recivedData); });
I bet you could use the same technique to see if any playstation 5 are in stock on websites?
@lolo thank you for the code.
I used the “MagicMirror-Module-Template” to create a new file and the associated folder.
this is my js:‘’’
Module.register(“dnevni_citat”, {
defaults: {
updateInterval: 60000,
retryDelay: 5000
},requiresVersion: "2.1.0", // Required version of MagicMirror start: function() { var self = this; var dataRequest = null; var dataNotification = null; //Flag for check if module is loaded this.loaded = false; // Schedule update timer. this.getData(); setInterval(function() { self.updateDom(); }, this.config.updateInterval); }, const url= ''; request({ url: url, method: 'GET' }, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { return console.error(error) }; var $ = cheerio.load(body); //console.log($.html()); const data = $('div[class="tabContent"]').first(); let header = $(data).find('h2').text(); let title = $(data).find('p').first().text(); let text = $(data).find('div.pGroup>p').text(); //console.log(header,title,text); var recivedData={ header, title, text }; //console.log(recivedData); } },
what am I doing wrong? -
This should be your node_helper.
const NodeHelper = require("node_helper"); const cheerio = require("cheerio"); const request = require('request'); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function () { self = this; console.log("Starting node_helper for: " +; }, getData: function () { const url = ''; request({ url: url, method: 'GET' }, (error, response, body) => { if (error) { return console.error(error) }; var $ = cheerio.load(body); //console.log($.html()); const data = $('div[class="tabContent"]').first(); let header = $(data).find('h2').text(); let title = $(data).find('p').first().text(); let text = $(data).find('div.pGroup>p').text(); //console.log(header,title,text); var recivedData = { header, title, text } console.log(recivedData); self.sendSocketNotification('TEXT_RESULT', recivedData); }); }, socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) { if (notification === 'GET_TEXT_DATA') { self.getData(); } }, });