Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@mz-ber Hi. I just had a look and mine is running fine and has the latest articles. Can you set
debug: true
in the config to see if it pulls new articles or if an error is returned? I have not run my mirror the past few days due to power issues hence my stats are low but I have been running it all day today and will check back on the stats. Let me know if you see anything in debug mode please.
Thanks for getting back. I set
debug: true
in the config and it is indeed pulling recent articles. -
@mz-ber Thanks for the confirmation. Can you lave the debug running and check if it pulls new data when it refresh?
Hello @mumblebaj :waving_hand:
Would it be possible if you have a look? Thank you very much in advance :-)
pi@raspberrypi:~/Dashboard/MagicMirror $ npm start > magicmirror@2.17.1 start > DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:=:0}" ./node_modules/.bin/electron js/electron.js [11.11.2021 09:35.56.157] [LOG] Starting MagicMirror: v2.17.1 [11.11.2021 09:35.56.164] [LOG] Loading config ... [11.11.2021 09:35.56.170] [LOG] Loading module helpers ... [11.11.2021 09:35.56.544] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.56.545] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-Wallpaper [11.11.2021 09:35.56.548] [LOG] No helper found for module: clock. [11.11.2021 09:35.56.551] [LOG] No helper found for module: MMM-CountDown. [11.11.2021 09:35.56.633] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.56.635] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast [11.11.2021 09:35.57.072] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.57.073] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-MyCalendar [11.11.2021 09:35.57.155] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.57.156] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-NINA [11.11.2021 09:35.57.623] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.57.624] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin [11.11.2021 09:35.57.715] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.57.716] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-Fuel [11.11.2021 09:35.58.018] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.018] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-Todoist [11.11.2021 09:35.58.400] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.401] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify [11.11.2021 09:35.58.404] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.404] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-GoogleSheets [11.11.2021 09:35.58.427] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.428] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-NewsAPI [11.11.2021 09:35.58.429] [LOG] No helper found for module: alert. [11.11.2021 09:35.58.450] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.451] [LOG] Module helper loaded: updatenotification [11.11.2021 09:35.58.638] [LOG] Initializing new module helper ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.638] [LOG] Module helper loaded: MMM-Remote-Control [11.11.2021 09:35.58.639] [LOG] All module helpers loaded. [11.11.2021 09:35.58.729] [LOG] Starting server on port 8080 ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.735] [WARN] You're using a full whitelist configuration to allow for all IPs [11.11.2021 09:35.58.742] [LOG] Server started ... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.743] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-Wallpaper [11.11.2021 09:35.58.744] [LOG] Starting node helper for: MMM-Wallpaper [11.11.2021 09:35.58.748] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast [11.11.2021 09:35.58.749] [LOG] ====================== Starting node_helper for module [MMM-OpenWeatherForecast] [11.11.2021 09:35.58.749] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-MyCalendar [11.11.2021 09:35.58.750] [LOG] Starting node helper for: MMM-MyCalendar [11.11.2021 09:35.58.751] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-NINA [11.11.2021 09:35.58.751] [LOG] MMM-NINA helper method started... [11.11.2021 09:35.58.752] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin [11.11.2021 09:35.58.753] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-Fuel [11.11.2021 09:35.58.753] [LOG] Starting module helper: MMM-Fuel [11.11.2021 09:35.58.754] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-Todoist [11.11.2021 09:35.58.755] [LOG] Starting node helper for: MMM-Todoist [11.11.2021 09:35.58.755] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify [11.11.2021 09:35.58.756] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-GoogleSheets [11.11.2021 09:35.58.757] [LOG] ====================== Starting node_helper for module [MMM-GoogleSheets] [11.11.2021 09:35.58.757] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-NewsAPI [11.11.2021 09:35.58.758] [LOG] Starting node_helper for module: MMM-NewsAPI [11.11.2021 09:35.58.759] [LOG] Connecting socket for: updatenotification [11.11.2021 09:35.58.760] [LOG] Connecting socket for: MMM-Remote-Control [11.11.2021 09:35.58.761] [LOG] Starting node helper for: MMM-Remote-Control [11.11.2021 09:35.58.841] [LOG] Sockets connected & modules started ... [11.11.2021 09:35.59.134] [LOG] Launching application. [11.11.2021 09:35.59.972] [ERROR] ERROR! Could not validate main module js file. [11.11.2021 09:35.59.975] [ERROR] ReferenceError: Log is not defined at Object.<anonymous> (/home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-NINA/MMM-NINA.js:14:1229) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1078:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1108:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:935:32) at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:776:14) at Function.f._load (electron/js2c/asar_bundle.js:5:12913) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:959:19) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18) at Class.loadModuleDefaultConfig (/home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Remote-Control/node_helper.js:313:30) at /home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Remote-Control/node_helper.js:267:26 [11.11.2021 09:36.00.032] [ERROR] ERROR! Could not find main module js file for MMM-NINA2 [11.11.2021 09:36.03.598] [LOG] Create new calendar fetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 [11.11.2021 09:36.03.663] [LOG] [MMM-NEWSAPI] Invalid Option specified. Country not allowed with 'everything'! [11.11.2021 09:36.03.665] [LOG] everything callscript: [11.11.2021 09:36.03.678] [INFO] Checking git for module: default [11.11.2021 09:36.03.716] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-Wallpaper [11.11.2021 09:36.03.757] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-CountDown [11.11.2021 09:36.03.794] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast [11.11.2021 09:36.03.828] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-MyCalendar [11.11.2021 09:36.03.858] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-NINA [11.11.2021 09:36.03.899] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin [11.11.2021 09:36.03.939] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-Fuel [11.11.2021 09:36.03.980] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-Todoist [11.11.2021 09:36.04.023] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify [11.11.2021 09:36.04.058] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-GoogleSheets [11.11.2021 09:36.04.097] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-NewsAPI [11.11.2021 09:36.04.127] [INFO] Checking git for module: MMM-Remote-Control [11.11.2021 09:36.04.171] [ERROR] (node:3286) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead. (Use `electron --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created) [11.11.2021 09:36.05.079] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 09:36:03 now is: 09:36:05 [11.11.2021 09:36.05.089] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 10:36:05 now is: 09:36:05 [11.11.2021 09:36.05.162] [LOG] response received: {"status":"ok","totalResults":7435,"articles":[{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Berliner Morgenpost"},"author":"dpa","title":"Gewerkschaften: Beschäftigte an Kitas und Schulen sind im Warnstreik","description":"Zahlreiche Beschäftigte an Kitas und Schulen in Berlin haben am Donnerstagmorgen einen ganztägigen Warnstreik begonnen. Dazu aufgerufen hatte die Gewerkschaft...","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2021-11-11T08:06:57Z","content":"Berlin. Zahlreiche Beschäftigte an Kitas und Schulen in Berlin haben am Donnerstagmorgen einen ganztägigen Warnstreik begonnen. Dazu aufgerufen hatte die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW)… [+1166 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"tagesschau","title":"Belarus: Tausende Geflüchtete warten weiter auf Hilfe","description":"Sie haben eine weitere Nacht bei eisigen Temperaturen in provisorischen Camps verbracht: An der belarusisch-polnischen Grenze harren weiter Tausende Flüchtlinge aus. Bislang ist keine Hilfe für sie in Sicht.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2021-11-11T07:56:59Z","content":"Sie haben eine weitere Nacht bei eisigen Temperaturen in provisorischen Camps verbracht: An der belarusisch-polnischen Grenze harren weiter Tausende Flüchtlinge aus. Bislang ist keine Hilfe für sie i… [+3150 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"tagesschau","title":"Nach Ausfällen: 110 und 112 vielerorts wieder erreichbar","description":"Die großflächigen Störungen bei den Notrufnummern 110 und 112 sind in vielen Regionen wieder behoben. Die Ursache für den Ausfall werde derzeit noch untersucht, teilte das Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe mit.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"2021-11-11T07:46:58Z","content":"Die großflächigen Störungen bei den Notrufnummern 110 und 112 sind in vielen Regionen wieder behoben. Die Ursache für den Ausfall werde derzeit noch untersucht, teilte das Bundesamt für Bevölkerungss… [+1871 chars]"}]} [11.11.2021 09:36.05.277] [LOG] sending articles: [{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Berliner Morgenpost"},"author":"dpa","title":"Gewerkschaften: Beschäftigte an Kitas und Schulen sind im Warnstreik","description":"Zahlreiche Beschäftigte an Kitas und Schulen in Berlin haben am Donnerstagmorgen einen ganztägigen Warnstreik begonnen. Dazu aufgerufen hatte die Gewerkschaft...","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"29 minutes ago","content":"Berlin. Zahlreiche Beschäftigte an Kitas und Schulen in Berlin haben am Donnerstagmorgen einen ganztägigen Warnstreik begonnen. Dazu aufgerufen hatte die Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW)… [+1166 chars]","sourceName":"Berliner Morgenpost"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"tagesschau","title":"Belarus: Tausende Geflüchtete warten weiter auf Hilfe","description":"Sie haben eine weitere Nacht bei eisigen Temperaturen in provisorischen Camps verbracht: An der belarusisch-polnischen Grenze harren weiter Tausende Flüchtlinge aus. Bislang ist keine Hilfe für sie in Sicht.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"39 minutes ago","content":"Sie haben eine weitere Nacht bei eisigen Temperaturen in provisorischen Camps verbracht: An der belarusisch-polnischen Grenze harren weiter Tausende Flüchtlinge aus. Bislang ist keine Hilfe für sie i… [+3150 chars]","sourceName":""},{"source":{"id":null,"name":""},"author":"tagesschau","title":"Nach Ausfällen: 110 und 112 vielerorts wieder erreichbar","description":"Die großflächigen Störungen bei den Notrufnummern 110 und 112 sind in vielen Regionen wieder behoben. Die Ursache für den Ausfall werde derzeit noch untersucht, teilte das Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe mit.","url":"","urlToImage":"","publishedAt":"49 minutes ago","content":"Die großflächigen Störungen bei den Notrufnummern 110 und 112 sind in vielen Regionen wieder behoben. Die Ursache für den Ausfall werde derzeit noch untersucht, teilte das Bundesamt für Bevölkerungss… [+1871 chars]","sourceName":""}] [11.11.2021 09:36.06.497] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 10:36:05 now is: 09:36:06 [11.11.2021 09:36.07.033] [LOG] Created transportation fetcher for station Albertinenstr. (toward all directions). (Station ID: 900000140005, Direction ID: undefined) [11.11.2021 10:36.07.407] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 10:36:06 now is: 10:36:07 [11.11.2021 11:36.08.386] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 11:36:07 now is: 11:36:08 [11.11.2021 12:36.09.138] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 12:36:08 now is: 12:36:09 [11.11.2021 13:36.10.367] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 13:36:09 now is: 13:36:10 [11.11.2021 14:36.11.153] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 14:36:10 now is: 14:36:11 [11.11.2021 14:54.36.340] [ERROR] Can’t retrieve current song. Reason: [11.11.2021 14:54.36.350] [ERROR] RequestError: Error: Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established at new RequestError (/home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/errors.js:14:15) at (/home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:87:29) at Request.RP$callback [as _callback] (/home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify/node_modules/request-promise-core/lib/plumbing.js:46:31) at self.callback (/home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify/node_modules/request/request.js:185:22) at Request.emit (events.js:315:20) at Request.onRequestError (/home/pi/Dashboard/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify/node_modules/request/request.js:877:8) at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:315:20) at TLSSocket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:469:9) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:315:20) at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:106:8) { cause: Error: Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established at connResetException (internal/errors.js:607:14) at TLSSocket.onConnectEnd (_tls_wrap.js:1544:19) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:327:22) at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21) { code: 'ECONNRESET', path: null, host: '', port: 443, localAddress: undefined }, error: Error: Client network socket disconnected before secure TLS connection was established at connResetException (internal/errors.js:607:14) at TLSSocket.onConnectEnd (_tls_wrap.js:1544:19) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:327:22) at endReadableNT (internal/streams/readable.js:1327:12) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21) { code: 'ECONNRESET', path: null, host: '', port: 443, localAddress: undefined }, options: { url: '', headers: { Authorization: 'XXXXX' }, json: true, method: 'GET', callback: [Function: RP$callback], transform: undefined, simple: true, resolveWithFullResponse: false, transform2xxOnly: false }, response: undefined } [11.11.2021 15:36.12.131] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 15:36:11 now is: 15:36:12 [11.11.2021 16:24.43.352] [LOG] Shutting down server... [11.11.2021 16:24.43.358] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-Wallpaper [11.11.2021 16:24.43.359] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-OpenWeatherForecast [11.11.2021 16:24.43.360] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-MyCalendar [11.11.2021 16:24.43.361] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-NINA [11.11.2021 16:24.43.361] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-PublicTransportBerlin [11.11.2021 16:24.43.363] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-Fuel [11.11.2021 16:24.43.364] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-Todoist [11.11.2021 16:24.43.365] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify [11.11.2021 16:24.43.368] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-GoogleSheets [11.11.2021 16:24.43.370] [LOG] Stopping module helper: MMM-NewsAPI [11.11.2021 16:24.43.377] [LOG] Stopping module helper: updatenotification pi@raspberrypi:~/Dashboard/MagicMirror $
@mz-ber said in MMM-NewsAPI:
[MMM-NEWSAPI] Invalid Option specified. Country not allowed with ‘everything’!
That is your issue with the NewsAPI. Please check the Readme for the valid options.
You seem to have loads of issues with loads of different modules. Maybe you want to start cleaning up some of those as well as they could obscure some other issues as well.
@mumblebaj Alright, thank you!
@mz-ber Let me know if you need any further assistance.
@mumblebaj I guess I need your help again because the module isnt showing any news anymore. The console is showing me following error:
[15.11.2021 18:23.33.169] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 18:23:32 now is: 18:23:33 [15.11.2021 18:23.33.191] [LOG] response received: {"status":"error","code":"parametersMissing","message":"Required parameters are missing. Please set any of the following parameters and try again: sources, q, language, country, category."} [15.11.2021 18:23.33.192] [LOG] sending articles: [] [15.11.2021 18:23.33.483] [LOG] Refreshed access token because it has expired. Expired at: 19:23:33 now is: 18:23:33
For testing prupose I used also your default config setting:
{ module: "MMM-NewsAPI", header: "news", position: "bottom_bar", config: { apiKey: "XXXXXXXXX", type: "horizontal", choice: "everything", pageSize: 10, sortby: "publishedAt", drawInterval: 1000*30, templateFile: "template.html", fetchInterval: 1000*60*60, query: { country: "", category: "", q: "", qInTitle: "", sources: "", domains: ",,", excludeDomains: "", language: "" } } },
I also created another API Key but same error.
And yes, I tested multiple parameter settings. Always the same. -
@mz-ber Is your new API key active? I am using the exact same config as you posted and it seems to be working for me.
Can you test via the browser and see what it says? Replace the key with your own key.
@mz-ber Also, could you add a language option, i.e. “en” or “de” and try again?
language: "de"