Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
(solved)Calendar Dates - Problematic behaviour since 2.18
@sdetweil Hi @sdetweil , thx for your reply.
I mean, i added the dateFormat to every single calendar. But i doesnt work too.
{ module: 'calendar', header: 'Kalender', position: 'top_left', config: { dateFormat: 'D.MMMM', displayRepeatingCountTitle: true, colored: true, coloredSymbolOnly: true, calendars: [ { symbol: 'calendar', url: '', color: '#fdffe3' }, { symbol: 'trash-alt', url: '', color: '#DF0F32', dateFormat: 'D.MMMM', maximumEntries: 5 }, { url: '', symbol: 'calendar-check', color: '#7cd2fc' }, { url: 'http://localhost:8080/mmm-googlebirthdaysprovider', repeatingCountTitle: 'Geburtstag', dateFormat: 'D.MMMM', symbol: 'birthday-cake', color: '#F5DA81' }, { symbol: 'flag-checkered', url: 'http://localhost:8080/MMM-Formula1/schedule.ics', color: '#b8e9fc' } ], customEvents: [ { keyword: 'tsfeiertag', color: '#fcb8d8', symbol: 'gifts' }, { keyword: 'Könige', color: '#fff2cc', symbol: 'crown' }, { keyword: 'gelbe', color: '#fff133', symbol: 'recycle' }, { keyword: 'blaue', color: '#335cff', symbol: 'newspaper' }, { keyword: 'bäume', color: '#06a929', symbol: 'tree' }, { keyword: 'oster', color: '#adf542', symbol: 'egg' } ] } },
@oberfragger looking thru the code, date format is only used if timeFormat is set to ‘absolute’ or ‘dateheaders’
by default it is ‘relative’
@sdetweil I found the problem!
Its about whole day events!
Now you see both events are from the same (google) calendar.
“Test - dayevent” is for the whole day.
“Zahnarzt” is just for a timeslot.In the 2.18 releasenotes from @MichMich is mentioned, that “Fixed Calendar showEnd and Full Date overlay (#2629).” Maybe this or another change caused this issue.
Did you know, where i can add this issue to 2.18??? Whith dateFormat: ‘D.MMMM’, both entries should look in the same format.
This should moved to Troubleshooting (not modules/troubleshooting).
@oberfragger use fullDayEventDateFormat
@sdetweil said in Calendar Dates - Problematic behaviour since 2.18:
Thanks a lot, again @sdetweil .
fullDayEventDateFormat: 'D.MMMM',
did the job!