Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Avoidance of Troubleshooting Q
@sdetweil I was just reading the topic about fix for black screen and while I need to read several more times to get my arms around it, I was wondering if I can do those scripts on the files before I copy them over. Instead of ssh’ing in to Pi open terminal go to drive and see if they are problematic before moving?
I would back up exiting files in case I blew something up. -
@ankonaskiff17 u can run the backup script on your sd folder… it takes a -s parm for source
(-h shows the syntax)this would create the 3 files…
then u could run the restore on the new system by copying the backup folder to the new system
(and -h shows syntax)this reinstalls the modules from github… not copies any of their files…
@sdetweil Found my first 3rd party module lacking “request”. Your tutorial worked like a charm
@ankonaskiff17 @sdetweil Found a new way scorch a Pi on this project.
Had a snap together case I put Pi in, snapped closed and I’ll admit, it to some muscle to snap case closed.
Shortly thereafter I caught the unmistakable odor of burning electronics.
I snapped the SD card so it was bent like 90°
The Pi did not like that. -
@ankonaskiff17 same here, oops… just snap the cover on…