Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Avoidance of Troubleshooting Q
I’ve been out of loop for a good stretch between Covid & a sick elderly parent but ready to dive back in.
I saved different config and customCSS files which date on hard drive I saved them to are all dated around July 2021.
I have downloaded the base setup on to Pi 4B with the 64 bit Pi OS and it appears to be functioning alright. That was an initial concern and still is an open question as to whether all modules will function correctly.
My other question is whether I can copy/paste my 7/21 dated config.js and custom.css over or am I going to run in to version conflicts with modules that are making calls to 2021 vintage helper modules and other parts. Based on reading the forum email I get I think the answer is probably yes.
To avoid pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth is there a good/easy way to work through the 3rd Party modules I have configured to avoid wasted time and the dreaded “You messed up” screen.
Seems like the default modules should fine as they would have come when I did install script last week.
Issue might be with 3rd party modules that were fine a year ago might be a problem today. -
@ankonaskiff17 should not be any issues w config.js or custom.css
I havent tried the 64 bit myself yet.
glad to hear you are back from COVID. I spent 7 weeks in hospital early last year …
@ankonaskiff17 SO I believe a few things have changed since. Some deprecated modules they got rid off i.e. request and some others. Modules that use them would be a problem. My suggestion would be to use Sam’s upgrade script which would check each module directory and fixup the missing dependencies for you.
@mumblebaj good catch
also the direct reference -
@sdetweil I did use your install script for the core installation and that is all fine and functional. I decided to give 64 bit a try because figured if the base MM didn’t like it, just reformat card and do 32 bit.
Hoping I can put MM SD card in laptop card reader and portable drive with files plug in to USB on laptop and it just be a copy/paste exercise in VSC.Most of modules I use are pretty basic. I had found a setup I liked and hoping it’s plug and play.
@sdetweil Glad you made it out of hospital.
@ankonaskiff17 that should work…
u might want to look at my backup/restore scripts.
they backup config.js and custom.css and the URLs of all the modules u have installed
so 3 small files.
and then on restore copies back the 2 files and uses the URLs to reinstall all the modules and (fix the missing dependencies too)…
I need to make them so they can be executed from the repo… but haven’t done that yet…
i made it so the 3 files are in a git repo, so you version them and then can restore any particular version…
and push the git repo to your github (in a private repo) -
@sdetweil I was just reading the topic about fix for black screen and while I need to read several more times to get my arms around it, I was wondering if I can do those scripts on the files before I copy them over. Instead of ssh’ing in to Pi open terminal go to drive and see if they are problematic before moving?
I would back up exiting files in case I blew something up. -
@ankonaskiff17 u can run the backup script on your sd folder… it takes a -s parm for source
(-h shows the syntax)this would create the 3 files…
then u could run the restore on the new system by copying the backup folder to the new system
(and -h shows syntax)this reinstalls the modules from github… not copies any of their files…
@sdetweil Found my first 3rd party module lacking “request”. Your tutorial worked like a charm
@ankonaskiff17 @sdetweil Found a new way scorch a Pi on this project.
Had a snap together case I put Pi in, snapped closed and I’ll admit, it to some muscle to snap case closed.
Shortly thereafter I caught the unmistakable odor of burning electronics.
I snapped the SD card so it was bent like 90°
The Pi did not like that.