Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Problem with Google generated .ics link
@ankonaskiff17 I’m using VNC to access Pi. It’s just chugging along no wifi issues whatsoever
@ankonaskiff17 My mistake starting over fresh
@ankonaskiff17 I rebooted pi, MM launched did pm2 stop all,
got back to MM directory and did npm start and that is ugly. Line after line of the word NULL, then a mish mash of garbage tthen saw VEVENT related to holiday calendar but MM crashed in among all that. -
@ankonaskiff17 @sdetweil check email for sample
@ankonaskiff17 @sdetweil
[24.04.2022 21:25.05.341] [DEBUG] event.recurrences: undefined
[24.04.2022 21:25.05.359] [ERROR] Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: RangeError: Invalid time value
at Date.toISOString ()
at /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarutils.js:314:28
at Array.forEach ()
at Object.filterEvents (/home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarutils.js:142:24)
at /home/pi/MagicMirror/modules/default/calendar/calendarfetcher.js:74:29
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) -
@ankonaskiff17 i replied to email
@ankonaskiff17 @sdetweil
That Holiday calendar has a huge amount of garbage associated with it as an aside but if newest is at top its just a lot more of that null business.Scroll down you get to that error associated with google calendar that one time then a ton of garbage associated with the holiday calendar.
@ankonaskiff17 weird… i don’t see that
@sdetweil All that garbage associated with Holiday calendar is being pulled from the CalendarLabs site but since MM is loading it in list format it just gets lost in the ether?
@ankonaskiff17 no idea, still debugging