Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
I noticed when I select envcanada as my forecast provider I just get today’s value, not for the rest of the week. The issue happens in both, MMM-CalendarExt3 & MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda. :crying_face:
{ module: "weather", position: "top_right", header: "Forecast", config: { weatherProvider: "envcanada", type: "forecast", maxNumberOfDays: "7", location: "Montréal, QC", siteCode: "s0000635", provCode: "QC" } },
Maybe its forecasted data format is different from the default OpenWeatherMap service.
I’ll check envcanada service. -
@MMRIZE said in MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda:
Hmmm… With my test, it works as expected.…
This is what I used for config;
…Thanks, I made the changes you did and it did not work, I hope it’s not because I updated Electron to the most recent version :downcast_face_with_sweat:
@MMRIZE Question for ya - how do you hide empty days? I would love to do that.
I think it’s this
Show the days only which has event on the day. .CX3A .agenda .cell[data-events-counts="0"] { display: none; }
@MMRIZE I changed the module weatherProvider to “openweathermap”, for the type “forecast” and now it works.
I kept “envcanada” for the type “current”, though.
@luisestrada said in MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda:
Show the days only which has event on the day.
.CX3A .agenda .cell[data-events-counts=“0”] {
display: none;
}Perfect. Thank you.
Hmmm. maybe the Locale issue. Could you send me your whole configuration(But to make things simple, drop out all other modules except MMM-CX3 and Weather(envCanada)) ( the way, What’s the Tesla module?
@MMRIZE I’m not quite sure how to do this -
I want to filter one calendar source only. This source is the schedule of an entire league, and I only want to include the “Seattle” Team. Can you help me with the filter code so I can do so?