Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Black Screen "Electron" after updating MM
@RIKKO14 how did u update?
is this a pir module needing rebuild?
@sdetweil Quite often I have a logo at the top of my Magic Mirror
and I had for several days on te top of my MM the MMM-Jast to update and MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify and MMM-DHT-Sensor had not worked. So first I updapte my MM and second uninstall MMM-Jast, MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify and MMM-DHT-Sensorcd ~/MagicMirror rm -rf modules/module_to_delete
and reinstall them
This is where Electron appeared… -
@RIKKO14 ok,seen this before… MOST times this works
stop MagicMirror
cd ~ rm -rf .config/Electron
note the dot in front of config
restart MagicMirror
I use PM2,
how to do ? -
I do this :
but nothing… -
@RIKKO14 correct… in linux most commands return nothing if successful…
so that is good… you asked to erase a folder
and it did thatnow restart MagicMirror
pm2 start MagicMirror
@sdetweil Nothing has changed
@RIKKO14 fun… try this
we need to edit a js file
cd ~/MagicMirror/js nano electron.js
scroll down to
let address = (config.address === void 0) | (config.address === "") ? (config.address = "localhost") : config.address;
add a bank line after
on the blank line, copy/paste these lines
mainWindow.webContents.on("new-window", function(event, url) { event.preventDefault(); // This will open a new Electron window to load the url. shell.openExternal(url); });
so it looks like this when you are done
let address = (config.address === void 0) | (config.address === "") ? (config.address = "localhost") : config.address; mainWindow.webContents.on("new-window", function(event, url) { event.preventDefault(); // This will open a new Electron window to load the url. shell.openExternal(url); }); mainWindow.loadURL(`${prefix}${address}:${config.port}`);
ctrl-o to save the file
ctrl-x to exit nano
cd …then
pm2 restart MagicMirror