Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Hello builders. I have a problem with my rasberry. I want to connect a led strip to use it with GA status. I follow this guide to connect and control it but it seems that most of gpios do not work. Only one color lighted in the strip so I took a voltometer and connect the black wire to one of the rasberry’s grounds and the with the red one I start touching the gpios and only one of them had near 3.3v. All others was below 0.8v. Even when I run the script for the status I get the output tha GA is in listen status and so the GPIO17 should be in high state it has no power. Does anybody have an idea of what is going on? Are the GIPIOs dead? Thank you in advance.
@Anthony Likely, the problem is timing and/or logic voltage.
I’ve never gotten a controllable LED strip working within the Pi systems.
However, This is more a problem you might want to bring up on the Raspberry Pi forums at -
@BKeyport Thank you for your reply. what do you mean bu saying that the problem is timing? I already have made a topic in rasberry forum and waiting for reply.
@Anthony Smart LEDs are highly reliant on data timing being exact.
Smart LEDs are highly reliant on data timing being exact.
The problem is that except GPIO22 which working all other GPIOs I checked never worked. Even if the command show it works. Well if I do not get a valid answer from rasberry forum to fix it I won’t use the status leds. I can leave with that :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
@BKeyport You’ll be limited by the amperage of the Raspberry Pi power supply. You might be able to power about 3 feet of an led strip. But for anything longer, you will need more amperage. Look on Adafruit for “light painting” with a raspberry pi. They discuss the power needs of the strips. Also the more modules you have runnning, the more power the pi will use itself. SO… you might not even be able to power 3 feet.
@kayakbabe My problem was not the power because I power the led strip from external power supply. I figured out that somehow the GPIOs I wanted was not set as output mode and high state. I set them and everything is working fine. Thank you for your reply.