Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-RNV not sisplaying :-(
Hi, on my MM2 with a raspi pi 3 i have the same config details as my server…
On my normalyy MM2 with the pi th module MMM-RNV is displaying all but with the same config on my MM server on a NUC the module is notworking :-(always comes the message “RNV Abfahrtsmonitor -> No API credentials provided”
Here my config fpor both systems:{ module: 'MMM-RNV', header: 'RNV Abfahrstmonitor', position: 'bottom_right', config: { updateInterval: "60000", animationSpeed: "2000", stationID: "1160", // HD-Bahnhof numJourneys: "10", clientID: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxeb1462d977c8', tenantID: '87cd3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx16c9', clientSecret: 'zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1', resourceID: '148xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf', coloredLines: "true", showLineIcons: "true", useColorForRealTimeInfo: "true", showTableHeader: "true", } },
Has anyone an answer?
Thanks an best regards -
@kusselin I don’t know.
did u copy/paste the config?
or type it again?if type again, the system is case sensitive, every letter matters.
I did it with copy & paste
@kusselin is the address: setting the same on both systems?
@sdetweil sam, what do you mean about the adress? Ip adress? I dont know what you mean
@kusselin in config.js,
address:“localhost” or “”
@kusselin as already written on GitHub: Please make sure that you don’t quote Numbers and Boolean values in your config.
Please also note, that there are multiple implementations of MMM-RNV. The one above only works with Jupadin’s version. My implementation has another object structure.