A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@croc_dad72 should be immediate.
what is just added ‘this’
@sdetweil well I must have done something wrong somewhere, cause it just says loading, and my api key works fine on the default module? And by “this” I meant I added your fork. Sorry I should have been more clear.
@croc_dad72 which key do you have? onecall , 3.0 , which you have to give a credit card for, or some prior 2.5
if you look ok in the mm startup messages do you see any reported error? 401 maybe
@sdetweil this is my start up? I only see two lines that say “error” but doesn’t seem to have an explanation? I don’t know what im looking for forsake though?
should say
openweathermapforecast error ???
whatever the error is