Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-Navigate, Issues with KY-040 rotary encoder
@stinkycol i have seen that error on other posts, and it sounds like there are some new tests on setting up the gpio pins.
the code wants 3 pins,
the node_helper codeconsole.log('MMM-Navigate, listen on GPIO PINs (BCM): '+self.config.GPIOPins[0]+','+self.config.GPIOPins[1]+','+self.config.GPIOPins[2]); const CLK = new Gpio(self.config.GPIOPins[1], 'in', 'both',{debounceTimeout : 0 }); //BCM Pin 20 const DT = new Gpio(self.config.GPIOPins[0], 'in', 'both',{debounceTimeout : 0 }); //BCM Pin 26 line 38 const SW = new Gpio(self.config.GPIOPins[2], 'in', 'both',{debounceTimeout : 20 }); //BCM Pin 19
the error is on the last, which is the one you added to the boot time config.
I think ‘both’ incorrect for this.when you used profileswitcher, what module did you use for connecting the encoder? as that module doesn’t have a hardware component
@sdetweil I used MMM-GPIO-Notifications as i was using this on my other build to use simple buttons to swap pages.
On the latest run I still get the errors:
@sdetweil sorry I don’t write understand how you figured that the last one was causing the issue and is this an issue with boot/firmware/config? Did this mean that I should replace the gpio in the MMM-Navigate module on config.js to the sudonyms?
@stinkycol I looked at the line numbers reported in the stack trace dump that came along w the write error
I do not know what the solution is
@sdetweil OK thanks for trying
@stinkycol the gpio notifications module does the gpio connection differently