Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
node generate_token_v2 error
@Crimson0087 ok, that has exhausted my experience here
@sdetweil Google did change their login experience anyway, so if the module’s not being maintained, it’s a hard stop, likely.
@BKeyport this is GoogleAssistant…
@bugsounet any help?
I haven’t noticed any issues creating tokens.
I don’t use the same method (mine is web app) and I use one credentials file (MMM-GoogleAssuistant credentials) for generate any token (Google Photo, Youtube, …)This is my Terminal return:
bugsounet@PC-Bugsounet:~/MagicMirror/modules/EXT-GooglePhotos$ npm run token > EXT-GooglePhotos@1.4.4 token > installer/ Welcome to EXT-GooglePhotos Token generator! Do you want to install/reinstall EXT-GooglePhotos token? [Y/n] Your choice: y [GPHOTOS] Check credentials.json... [GPHOTOS] credentials.json found in /home/bugsounet/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-GoogleAssistant/credentials.json [GPHOTOS] config: { CREDENTIALS: '/home/bugsounet/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-GoogleAssistant/credentials.json', TOKEN: '/home/bugsounet/MagicMirror/modules/EXT-GooglePhotos/tokenGP.json' } (node:3839) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead. (Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created) [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Opening OAuth URL. Return here with your code. > Paste your code: 4/0ATx3LY7fxmvgcDJ2qZrx........... [GPHOTOS:AUTH] Token is refreshed. [GPHOTOS] TokenGP is generated.
So I think author have to review his token generator
@bugsounet so, silly question as I don’t use google for anything but an old email address - Would a token generated in your app work in the other app?
@BKeyport : the structure of the token is not the same
The "E" in "Javascript" stands for "Easy"
is not always true ;/ -
@Crimson0087 I had a similar issue after mine decided to break the API connection after a week. I have posted on the repo issue pages what I was able to do to fix your exact problem. Go figure you were attempting at the exact same time I was troubleshooting it.