Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-FroniusSolar family modules
i was working the last days on a module to get rid of the last iframes on my mirror. These modules can all visualize solar energy data from a Fronius solar system using SVG magic :)
- MMM-FroniusSolar: Best for simple setups prioritizing clarity and minimalism.
- MMM-FroniusSolar2: Suitable for scenarios requiring visual feedback on power flows (e.g., monitoring dynamic energy consumption).
- MMM-FroniusSolar3: Ideal for larger or customizable displays where scalability is important.
If you do not have a FroniusPV but your system has an API it should be not much work to adjust the node_helper file.
i found a small bug. At this moment you need to change your inverter-IP in the node_helper.js file.
I‘ll fix this to a config entry this weekend.
Fixed. IP can now be defined in the config.js:
InverterIP: "<yourInverterIP>",
I’ve added a quite special module to the “family” which is exact what I need. Maybe someone else hat also a PV on the roof controlled by the Fronius inverter and in addition a mini-PV system measuring with a Shelly-device. I have exactly that case in my house :-)
So, that’s it: MMM-FroniusSolar4
Added Shelly device in the monitoring:
There is a small flickering effect with the text labels. SVG doesn’t like text with icons inside that much. I have no more ideas how to fix this (I tried a lot). But it is not really annoying me.
One hint: the label text must be modified in the js-file in this part of the code:
svg.appendChild(createGauge( "Grid", this.config.icons.P_Grid, "top", .............)); svg.appendChild(createGauge( "Akku", this.config.icons.P_Akku, "bottom", ................)); svg.appendChild(createGauge( "", this.config.icons.P_Load, "middle",..................)); svg.appendChild(createGauge( "PV Mini", this.config.icons.P_Shelly, "bottom", ...............));
is the house in the middle :) -
Hi. the module looks very good.
I installed the Fronius3. But my mirror only shows loading. The ip is correct. On an other mirror I use energy monitor and this works.
Any idea what I make wrong -
the node_helper.js is the same for module 1,2 and 3. If one of them is not running there must be a config error. Maybe my mistake in the readme. Check what the console messages and/or pm2 logs tell and send me the result. I‘ll check parallel the documentation. -
On the other Mirror I use MMM-Fronius2 from deg0nz. These model get information from my Gen24. But your module shows: loading. Is there anything to change in the Gen24 settings -
@alfi153 Hi, my module is working complete different. I don‘t know the other node_helper. The MMM-FroniusSolar 1-3 use the same node_helper. Version 4 is again different. For inverter settings nothing special is necessary. Is the ip configured corretly?
Which version do you try to use?
I try to use Version 3.
The ip is correct
i have activated the API on my Fronius Gen24
is it possible to get any Log file? -
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