Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Just tested with only GQuotes activated - screen stays black.
The following error shows up: -
@Fistandantilus I can’t begin to imagine what the issue is. You’re the only one having it. Three of us have uninstalled and reinstalled the module and no one is getting any errors.
There is the module running with other modules and my developers window… no errors.
So unless it’s conflicting with another module I don’t have an answer for you.
I´m using a RPi 2 B+ with the latest Jessie release. In addidion to MM2 I have installed midnight commander, x11vnc, cec-utils and xscreensaver.
Does the error give any hint what I could look at?
No that error is a MM error… Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of undefined and ‘getElementByClassName’ of null…
It’s a getDom function error but like I said unless there’s a conflict of some type… do me a favor and open the ‘package.json’ file you have with GQuotes and tell me what the dependencies say…
"qs-iconv": "^1.0.4", "request": "^2.81.0", "xml2js": "^0.4.17"
OK that looks good… you have the newest version…
What I would do is run GQuotes and disable all the other modules… and enable one at a time until you get a conflict… that may go a long way to helping figure out what’s wrong here.
That is what I already did. Just running GQuote itself without other modules also shows the mentioned error.
Just run a “npm outdated” with the following result:
Package Current Wanted Latest Location
electron 1.6.6 1.6.8 1.6.6 magicmirror
grunt-markdownlint 1.0.33 1.0.37 1.0.37 magicmirror
iconv-lite 0.4.16 0.4.17 0.4.17 magicmirror -
@Fistandantilus said in MMM-GQuotes:
Yes but if you go into the MMM-GQuote dir and run “npm outdated” it returns nothing… soooooo that’s not the issue…
iconv-lite only appears when you run it from the MagicMirror root dir…
Which means GQuotes is using all the latest version of npm modules…
This is my config:
module: ‘MMM-GQuotes’,
position: ‘top_left’,
config: {
maxWidth: “100%”,
header: “Zitat des Tages”,
},I cannot find anything wrong with the module that would cause that error.
Same as my config:
module: ‘MMM-GQuotes’,
position: ‘top_right’,
config: {
maxWidth: “100%”,
header: “Zitat des Tages”,
},Maybe we find some other users for testing. Cannot imagine that I´am the only one…