Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@jan support for additional
mode is in the works, keep an eye out for updates ;) -
@mike2323 said in MMM-Strava:
If this is still causing problems, can you try making sure the
option is specified as an array, even if only one activity type is required? It looks like you haven’t done this in the options for the second module definitionIn other words:
activites: ["ride"],
@ianperrin thx so much!!! Works fine, looks amazing!
My Strava module needs to be re-authorised every few days or at least once a week. I’m not sure what is causing this. Has anyone else had a similar issue?
Can we aggregate virtual ride together with ride for the mirror?
Great app @ianperrin. Looks slick on the mirror too!
@ianperrin i use Strava module for my mirror but recently Strava update api and now I have the message : 429 limits exceed. I changed reloadinterval to 15601000 and updateinterval to 60*1000 but still the same message.
Have you an idea ?
Thx for next answer -
@MisterT 60*1000 is every minute,
1440 times a day