Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
@alexyak Thanks! I have one more question about syntax that I’m having trouble with.
I can pull the Yahoo JSON into the node_helper file and print it to the terminal without a problem. But when I try to reference it in the “getDom” function, I get nothing. I haven’t changed the code at the start of that function at all. But when it runs “this.result.length”, the length returned is 0.
I’m not super-familiar with the “this” syntax, but was hoping you or someone else might have an idea of why the JSON you pass would work, but not the JSON that I pass?
great! would also be good for rss feeds :-)
@ZTA0796 Could you show your code?
@alexyak Sure…see below.
In the node_helper.js:
getStocks: function (url) {
var self = this;request({ url: url, method: 'GET' }, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) { var result = JSON.parse(body); console.log(result.query.results.row); //prints the JSON as expected to the terminal self.sendSocketNotification('STOCKS_RESULT', result); } });
//Subclass socketNotificationReceived received.
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) {
if (notification === ‘GET_STOCKS’) {
in stocks.js:
getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("table"); wrapper.className = 'normal regular small'; var count = 0; var _this = this; console.log("in the DOM function"); console.log("result is " + this); //prints [object Object] console.log("result is " + _this); //prints [object Object] console.log("result length is " + this.result.length); //prints 0 if (this.result.length > 0){ this.result.forEach(function(stock) { //since length=0, it never gets in this loop // // }, scheduleUpdate: function(delay) { console.log("scheduled update check"); var nextLoad = this.config.updateInterval; if (typeof delay !== "undefined" && delay >= 0) { nextLoad = delay; } var self = this; setInterval(function() { self.getStocks(); }, nextLoad); }, roundValue: function(value) { return Math.round(value*100)/100; }, getStocks: function () { var url = '*' + this.config.stocks + '%26f%3Dsl1d1t1c1ohgv%26e%3D.csv%27%20and%20columns%3D%27symbol%2Cprice%2Cdate%2Ctime%2Cchange%2Ccol1%2Chigh%2Clow%2Ccol2%27&format=json&'; this.sendSocketNotification('GET_STOCKS', url); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === "STOCKS_RESULT") { console.log("notification received"); console.log(payload); //prints Object { query: Object } this.result = payload; this.updateDom(self.config.fadeSpeed); } },
Upon looking at it further-- in the “socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload)” function in the module.js file, it seems that when I run console.log(this.result), it outputs my JSON:
Object { symbol: “MSFT”, price: “62.30”, date: “12/16/2016”, time: “4:00pm”, change: “-0.28”, col1: “62.95”, high: “62.95”, low: “62.12”, col2: “42453083” }
When I go to the “getDom” function and run “console.log(this.result)”, I get:
[object Object]
I’m just not sure why that change occurs, but that seems to be my issue. Any help is massively appreciated!
@ZTA0796 The object that you get int the stocks.js is the deserialized javascript object. In your case it’s going to be a single row object. You could just access the properties list this:
this.result.symbol, this.result.price, etc…
@alexyak So that’s what I expected as well. Unfortunately, it is somehow getting messed up between the “socketNotificationReceived” function and the “getDom” function.
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === "STOCKS_RESULT") { this.result = payload; console.log(this.result); //prints my JSON correctly console this.updateDom(self.config.fadeSpeed); }
So the above works correctly. Below, however, it doesn’t seem to maintain and I can’t figure out why.
getDom: function() { var wrapper = document.createElement("table"); wrapper.className = 'normal regular small'; var count = 0; var _this = this; console.log("result is " + this.result); //prints "result is [object Object]" console.log("result length is " + this.result.length); //prints "result length is 0" console.log(this.symbol); //prints "undefined" }
I apologize if I’m being thick, but I can’t figure out why it’s not working…
Ok, so I think i figured it out. Still not sure why it worked, but for some reason, running a console.log("descriptive text " + this) seems to corrupt or change the type of “this”. If I put two consecutive console.log() calls–first with descriptive text, second with just “this”–then it works. Basically in the example above, if I just comment out the first two console.log() calls, then it no longer prints “undefined” and instead prints “MSFT”. Sorry for all the trouble!
Several weeks ago this module seemed to stop working. It doesn’t generate any errors, just won’t display. Has anyone else seen this?
Thanks, Dave
@Mitch1138 Yes same for me, this module no longer works.