Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Complete noob here
If you need help message me. I had to fight my way to getting some things to work. I’ll do what I can for you.
@yawns Some instructions are better than others LOL.
Well yes that happens but it’s easy to do … I know myself that I may know something and so I assume you just know it too. It’s not done on purpose but I just sometimes don’t think :)
@cowboysdude Didn’t mean you. Just in general some install docs are written better than others.
@nuckinfutz OH no that’s okay. I know what you meant :) You’re not an insulting kind of person but I know how you feel too. I’m not a programmer myself so I understand when something isn’t clear…
I still have a problem with the config.js file… what goes in quotes, what doesn’t… I’m getting there though! :)
You’re okay… just stating your experience!
@cowboysdude I have a very deep and very broad background in I.T. Just not with Object Oriented Programming. I can generally muddle my way through things. It is very helpful though when documentation is clear and also when people offer assistance and leave the ego at the door. I’m happy to help if I can with the config.js file.
@nuckinfutz said in Complete noob here:
@yawns Some instructions are better than others LOL.
“Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing”
@nuckinfutz said in Complete noob here:
@cowboysdude I have a very deep and very broad background in I.T. Just not with Object Oriented Programming. I can generally muddle my way through things. It is very helpful though when documentation is clear and also when people offer assistance and leave the ego at the door. I’m happy to help if I can with the config.js file.
Well generally you’ll find most here are willing to help and with no ego… :)
We do have from time-to-time people looking for someone to do all the work for them and then insulting people here… You’re not one of them but they’ve been here.
These guys work very hard and offer this free and I appreciate it very much… so when people seem like they are not being very nice I take it as my job to well for lack of better words set them straight…
I’m not a programmer but I’m not a scammer either and I REALLY hate it when people come here and mistreat others… they’ve helped me so much and have been very patient and kind.
:) You’re welcome here and hey if you can lend a hand that’s much appreciated also!
Welcome Friend :)
@yawns said in Complete noob here:
So you downloaded the MagicMirror with the curl command, right?
Open the file manager and navigate the folder MagicMirror in your home directory. There is a subfolder named config. Inside you find a file config.js.sample
Copy this file and name it config.js
Once this is done your mirror is ready to start.
Open the terminal shell, navigate to the magic mirror folder with “cd MagicMirror” + enter. After that enter “npm start” + enter.
You should see the mirrors interface.
Now play around with your config file. To get started you should open a webbrowser and register an account at to get your own app id. Copy this app id to your config file and set the location to your location. Test this location on first.
Then take a look at the modules in this forum to see if something interests you. Every module developer added an instruction how to install and use the module"
Start Up (Mac)Open the terminal shell, navigate to the magic mirror folder with “cd MagicMirror” + enter. After that enter “npm start” + enter.
You should see the mirrors interface.
"Last login: Mon Oct 24 03:42:24 on ttys000
NA-3:MagicMirror …$ cd MagicMirror
-bash: cd: MagicMirror: No such file or directory
NA-3:MagicMirror …$Mac any advice?
Ok now appears to be working…