Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Sync private iCloud calendar with MagicMirror
@ggfuzzy Where is that file? I’m too much of a noob to find it :D
@mr190e said in Sync private iCloud calendar with MagicMirror:
@ggfuzzy Where is that file? I’m too much of a noob to find it :D
Seems like I got to work again.
First of all, I installed vdirsyncer via
“sudo apt-get install vdirsyncer
and not using pip.Second the command to start the systemd timer
systemctl --user enable vdirsyncer.timer
did not work at all. When typing
systemctl --user status vdirsyncer.timer
It always said the timer was dead. So I started it with its start command:
systemctl --user start vdirsyncer.timer
Third, I made the modification to vdirsyncer.service as suggested by @Beh
Runwhich vdirsyncer
And remember the path. After, edit the vdirsyncer.service file
sudo nano /etc/systemd/user/vdirsyncer.service
Correct the right path after “ExecStart”. My .service file looks like this:
[Unit] Description=Synchronize calendars and contacts Documentation= [Service] ExecStart=/home/pi/.local/bin/vdirsyncer sync RuntimeMaxSec=3m Restart=on-failure
I get the the message:
Error in calendar module. Check logs for more details.ERROR] Calendar Error. Could not fetch calendar: http://localhost:8080/modules/0505190Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.ics Error: Not Found
at NodeHelper.checkFetchStatus (/home/pi/MagicMirror/js/node_helper.js:121:9)it would be awesome if somebody can help me.
@spor4 said in Sync private iCloud calendar with MagicMirror:
where did the syncher put the ics file… cause its not there
ps, on linux/raspina all filenames are case sensitivecd ~/MagicMirror/modules
ls -laF
to see the file list -
thank you very much. I moved the file to /modules and not it is working. Unfortunately now it says “no upcoming events.” -
@spor4 that file should just be text
u can edit it
it should look like this layoutBEGIN:VCALENDAR BEGIN:VEVENT ... END:VEVENT repeat for all events END:VCALENDAR
@sdetweil sorry for asking stupid (total noob), I should edit the .ics file with the text editor into this?
If I do so it says Error in calendar module. Check logs for more details. againBEGIN:VCALENDAR
repeat for all events
@spor4 no. you are going to look at the generated ics file and see if it contains the format I described
@sdetweil no it’s empty
@spor4 then thats why no events on the calendar…
so the syncher didn’t work correctly
now you need someone elses help on that problem