Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Yeah, this is true. In the long term I was going to try get my mirror working with the MMM-Facial-Recognition in order to activate/deactivate voice recognition, that should hopefully reduce likelihood of reaching the google quota.
cowboysdude Module Developerlast edited by cowboysdude Sep 12, 2016, 11:37 AM Sep 12, 2016, 11:37 AM
It’s true it the goolge speech api is limited but honestly you shouldn’t be in front of your mirror all day long talking to it LOL
Putting those two modules together would be very cool!
i have this modul SunFounder Sound Voice Sensor
and it is on Giop 2,6,7
but i dont now how i can install it … can you halp me ?
best Wish -
Hey @samydp
So, ive never installed before on a SunFounder Sound Voice Sensor, but if you’re running it on a Pi using the Magic Mirror framework, it should (hopefully) be a case of installing it like any other module. There are details in the README on how to do so.
However maybe there are some other steps required in order to get it to work on the Sensor that I am not aware of.
@dr4ke616 nice one :-)
i Get it finally work ! it answer very quickly … but it s not so easy to get it work with other Modules …
in the readme file, there are some infos . but they didnt help so much . -
@dr4ke616 great work on creating this module!
I have installed the module on my Raspberry Pi 3 and am having some issues getting it to work. I checked the console in debug and saw the following error message for MMM-Voice-Control. Any idea what is causing the “network” error? thanks in advance!
SpeechRecognitionError {error: “network”, message: “”, type: “error”, target: SpeechRecognition, currentTarget: SpeechRecognition…}
type:“error” -
Kinda hard to say. Could be any number of things.
One thing to note is that the module uses annyang package, which relies on Google Speech API. So perhaps the error you are seeing is related to rate limiting on Google’s Speech API. I believe it is something like 50 requests per day (when using for free).
Hey @Baltibu
Yeah, i haven’t done much work on actually integrating it with other modules yet. At the moment it just sends notification like messages to other modules, so other modules can then react to it.
There is probably a better more generic way to achieve this. So I am open to ideas.
hey thanks for your answer…
i tried to do the same but the problem i didnt get a comminication between two defferent module …
I get your MMM-Dublin-bus als Referenz . but it still difficult.
by the other should I owerwrite the NotificationReceived module ? or the socketNotificationReceived ? -
So, it should (if all working ok) be the case that you add a command here. The first paramater references a language entry in the translations directory.
For example in commands.js we register the key
to a function that sends a notification. Then in your translations files you can add what to actually say (in what ever language), for example here.Then in your own module you override
and check for the message sent from your command, as inDUBLINBUS_START
.I understand that this is probably overly complex way of doing this. I do believe this can be done in a better way.