Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Make a mirror a touch mirror
I have seen a lot of posts around making a mirror touch.
1: over the mirror
Infrared touch it frame: it implies to add over the mirror 4 infrared parts around the mirror. It can be multitouch and easy to put in place. The mirror glass will replace the glass provided with
2: Between the mirror and the screen
Reactive touch panel: the reactive touch panel will need to be over the monitor and I will need to add a two way mirror film. It s easy to put in place but I could not use a real two way mirror and it could not be multitouch. In the end the touch experience will be less smooth than a capacitive touch panel. So I will
Need mirror two way film, réactive touch panel and the monitor…Capacitive touch: it is not working with a real twi way mirror because of the metal. Then I will need to use in the order a two way mirror film + a glass and the monitor. Maybe some two way mirrors are existing without metal… finally the capacitive touch is much more reactive and smooth and can be multitouch.
Did I miss some points or is that correct?
Are there other solutions?
there seems to be a company that produces two way mirrors that work with multi touch touch overlays
although I have not tested themBut I guess IR Touch frames are the cheapest option