Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
MMM-FlightsAbove - Display all flights in the sky above you
@Galli Hi! Yes, sorry but I have not made an official npm package for this yet… So you just have to do the git clone and run the install script instead. (And for your own sake, update your node and npm first!)
@E3V3A Thanks for your hint!
Installation works now without any errors.So far so good, but…
I´v done all steps from your installation instruction and reboot the Pi.
The MM starts and only the first module in the config.js appears.
The second module is the Flights-Above but only the first module works, all other modules dosn´t appear.
It seem s to hang on the module start of Flight-Above?Is there a simple way to check the correct installation of all deps and correct module installation?
3 nightshifts with the module installation and configuration without a solution for this problem. :-(Are you shure that the steps:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
!! cd MMM-Tabulator !!!??correct? I didn´t find the MMM-Tabulator in the Flights Above directory, so install MMM-Tabulator via git in the modules Directory. Thats right? (git clone… and npm install)
Then i did the rest:
npm install jquery --save
npm install jquery-ui-dist --save
npm install jquery.tabulator --save
npm install flightradar24-clientin the MMM-Flight-Above folder.
Than i inserted the new module in the confi.js.
Ready. Then i reboot the pi…
Thats how i interpreted your installation description.
What did i dumbass wrong?
Thanks for your help! (And exuse my english!)
@Galli :D :D
!! cd MMM-Tabulator !!!??
Thanks for spotting my dumbass typo!!
Clearly you must be the only one who have tried to follow those directions, since nobody else has mentioned this. The line should becd MMM-FlightsAbove
etc…So please try again.
I’ve installed without any errors but I get only a “loading” screen.
No errors in my MM-out or my MM-error-log
Any Idea?
My config:
{ module: 'MMM-FlightsAbove', header: 'Flights Above', position: 'middle_center', config: { header: "Flights Above", // The module header text, if any. Use: "" to remove. compassHeading: true, // Use a compass direction (NSWE) for the of heading indicator ("45" vs "NE") updateInterval: 180, // [s] Radar scan/ping/update period in secodns [default 3 min] maxItems: 10, // MAX Number of planes to display [default is 10] // The geographical (map) Boundary-Box (BB), from within planes will be shown are given by: // the maximim Lat/Lon edges of: [N-lat, W-lon, S-lat, E-lon] - all in decimal degrees. radarBBox: [52.43677263,9.71449553,52.24300914,9.89569576], // "HAJ" (Hannover Airport) //radarLocation: "23.2,54.2", // [Lat,Lon] - The location of radar center in decimal degrees //radarRadius: 60, // [km] - The maximum distance of planes shown. //watchList: "", // Alert or Highlight planes/flights/types on this watch list } },
Hi There,
Is there a maximum width to the table as when I add extra fields others disappear I can see a max of only 8 or 9 depending on the width? -
I have found out how to allow column resizing and that works great except that when trying to expand between Alt[m] and Model, the value of Alt[m] moves with the model heading instead of remaining stationary.
This post is deleted! -
I’ve set Max Entries to 10, but I get loads of entries, why?Seems OK after a PM2 stop/start!
How do I get rid of the scroll bars?
How do I lose the footer/key? (I triedfooterLegend: false
in MMM-tabulator.js)My config.js:
{ module: 'MMM-FlightsAbove', header: 'Flights Above', position: 'top_center', config: { header: "Flights Above", // The module header text, if any. Use: "" to remove. compassHeading: true, // Use a compass direction (NSWE) for the of heading indicator ("45" vs "NE") updateInterval: 180, // [s] Radar scan/ping/update period in secodns [default 3 min] maxItems: 10, // MAX Number of planes to display [default is 10] homeIata: "LGW", // The geographical (map) Boundary-Box (BB), from within planes will be shown are given by: // the maximim Lat/Lon edges of: [N-lat, W-lon, S-lat, E-lon] - all in decimal degrees. radarBBox: [51.34985,-0.49832,50.95459,0.13182], // "DPS" (Bali Airport) [default] //radarLocation: "51.10741,-0.15029", // [Lat,Lon] - The location of radar center in decimal degrees //radarRadius: 90, // [km] - The maximum distance of planes shown. //watchList: "", // Alert or Highlight planes/flights/types on this watch list } },
I’m not worried about the compliments module being in the way just now.
@Richard238 said in MMM-FlightsAbove - Display all flights in the sky above you:
to your custom.css add :
.MMM-FlightsAbove.tabulator-footer {visibility: hidden;} .MMM-FlightsAbove {overflow: hidden;}