Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
[MMM-NowPlayingOnSpotify] – Display the currently on Spotify playing song
@Module-Developers is there an module that can show me whats playing on all my google home mini devices from all music carriers not just spotify.
Anyway to get 2 accounts running on it? The Callback URL is the same so that might be what’s stopping it working I’d say - but anyone get around it.
Si può cambiare il colore del logo SPOTIFY quando è disconesso perchè rimane di un grigio troppo chiaro e non si vede il logo se ho uno sfondo con un afoto esempio,ed in caso qual è il comando sul css custom che devo fare?Grazie.
Thanks You!
@namnlp that is not possible, it is not the purpose of this module. It is only showing which song you play on spotify. If you want sound to your Pi you need to install a Spotify client (does not exist for ARM architecture, I think) or surf to the webplayer page: but it still won’t play several devices at the same time, regardless of Premium or not.
@raywo, I love this module. It’s clean and simple. Great work. My MagicMirror is not a mirror but rather a central family information center in our main living area. Just like @yep_DD posted earlier last year, we use raspotify. We have no need to control playback via the MagicMirror but it would be great to be able to have multiple account support in some manner, ideally with the ability to only display what is playing on the raspotify device. I listen to Spotify on a lot of different devices and while there is nothing secret about what I listen to, I also can’t see a need for everyone at home to see what I am listening to when I am at work.
Since people may have many different Spotify streaming devices, rather than trying to integrate with them directly, what about the ability to apply a filter device names so that the module ONLY displays when you are playing on a certain device(s)? In my case, I could simply duplicate the module, one with my credentials and one with my wife’s credentials. If I could filter each instance to only display a specific device, then in theory it would only display 1 instance of the module at a time. If we had more than 1 device, say the MagicMirror upstairs and another device in the basement, it might be nice to actually see a display of what each of us are playing in the house.
This module is great!
Our MM sits on our office desk as a family info system. We listen to Spotify playlists so this module is great for showing which track is playing - in fact, one family member outright complained after I rebuilt the MM and forgot to include this module again!
I see that this module makes DNS requests every second - I’m watching the tail of my pi-hole log. Is there any way to reduce the number of network requests, particularly when the module is idle?
Thanks :)
Is there anyway to change the colour of the Spotify logo that sits in the background? I looked in CSS and tried changing the image to a colour one but still no joy. Thanks
@headbug librespot or raspotify are programs u can install on the pi, outside mm to be able to PLAY Spotify on this device.
the MMM-Spotify module from bugsounet does this for you.
Installed and worked after I rebooted and came back to it the next day. :man_shrugging:
Works quite well aside from after a handful of songs it sort of stalls/freezes on an arbitrary song and if i let it sit for a while or play something outside my network it doesn’t load anything unless I force a reboot of the MM interface(NOT the whole pi).
Anyone else experience the same above and have a fix? (looked through posts and did not see anything)