Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Module Position
@strawberry-3-141 ty that works.
Added the possibility
region.insertBefore(instance, region.childNodes[0])
so I can prepend and append the module
If you look in your css folder you will find the main.css file. Open it and you will find all the regions. Compare them to where you have you modules set and it should help you figure it out.
@justjim1220 it already works the way @strawberry-3-141 proposed :)
Only thing I am not quite sure about yet is when can I use const?
I have the code in socketmessagereceived. Can I use const in there when I do only give the variable one value each time it runs the function? Because for me it seems like the variables still exist when the function gets called again which would mean const does not work -
Sorry, still kinda new with this, that is beyond my scope!
@justjim1220 Same for me I am absolutely new to javascript. I generally know the system const because I use a lot of c++, but testing here seems like the variables actually get not deleted after SocketNotificationreceived function ends. And I have absolutely no clue on when to use the type let and which advantage it offers over var, because on some variables let works on others only var. const actually never worked in there.
I have my code here not fully ready yet:
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === 'HIDE_SHOW') { var obj = JSON.parse(; var max = obj.slots.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "HIDE" || obj.slots[i].slotName === "SHOW") { var HideShow = obj.slots[i].slotName; } } for (let i = 0; i < max; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "MODULE") { var Module = obj.slots[i].value.value; break; } } var Message = HideShow + "_" + Module; const moduleToMove = 'clock'; const targetRegion = 'top.left'; MM.getModules().enumerate((module) => { if ( === moduleToMove) { const instance = document.getElementById(module.identifier); const region = document.querySelector(`div.region.${targetRegion} div.container`); region.appendChild(instance); //region.insertBefore(instance, region.childNodes[0]) = 'block'; } }); this.loaded = true; this.sendNotification(Message); } if (notification === 'ERROR') { this.sendNotification('SHOW_ALERT', payload); } }
So at which positions would it be better to use const/let instead of var? And how is the performance of them? Because in c++ I definetly use const a lot for variables or member functions
@maxbachmann short version: with es6 you should never use var. it has scope issues. const doesn’t work exactly like in other programming languages. It only prevents from assigning a new reference so strings integers booleans … are fixed. But objects and arrays can still be modified.
And you don’t want to keep this, it was only a placeholder for your notifications, thats why you thought is const always there.
const moduleToMove = 'clock'; const targetRegion = 'top.left';
you should also be carefull setting the variable
as it is a global variable of MM.I don’t get the part why you build the message string.
Also you should consider creating another if/else as
if (notification === 'HIDE_SHOW') {
has nothing todo with changing positions of modules.Exactly what you are doing is bad it schould look more like this:
socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { if (notification === 'HIDE_SHOW') { const obj = JSON.parse(; const max = obj.slots.length; let HideShow; for (let i = 0; i < max; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "HIDE" || obj.slots[i].slotName === "SHOW") { HideShow = obj.slots[i].slotName; } } let module; for (let i = 0; i < max; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "MODULE") { module = obj.slots[i].value.value; break; } } // why do you build this message??? it's never used const Message = HideShow + "_" + module; const moduleToMove = 'clock'; const targetRegion = 'top.left'; MM.getModules().enumerate((module) => { if ( === moduleToMove) { const instance = document.getElementById(module.identifier); const region = document.querySelector(`div.region.${targetRegion} div.container`); region.appendChild(instance); //region.insertBefore(instance, region.childNodes[0]) = 'block'; } }); this.loaded = true; this.sendNotification(Message); } if (notification === 'ERROR') { this.sendNotification('SHOW_ALERT', payload); } }
- The Message I already thought yesterday that it’s better To just Do
This.sendNotification(buildthemessagetring) - I have hide/Show And Move in The Same If because it’s connected To a Speech recognition that gives me hide/Show And Move To The Same mqtt so they Are absolutely connected in My case, but yes HIDE_SHOW should get changed To HIDE_SHOW_MOVE
- I just did Not replace your Test strings By the right Part of The objects yet ;)
- have To try that later because yesterday I did change those variables To const but then it worked for The First command, but the Moment I Wanted To perform a Second Action like Showing again it did Not work anymore
Thats Why I was Not Sure wether I am allowed To use const but will Look in that later
Thx for The explanation so let is basically a local Variable, var a global definetly At a pretty Random position and const Is local And can’t Be changed right?
- The Message I already thought yesterday that it’s better To just Do
'use strict'; /* global Module */ /* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-Snips * * By Max Bachmann * MIT Licensed. */ Module.register('MMM-Snips', { //defaultvalues that get taken when not defined differently in the config file defaults: { mqttServer: 'mqtt://', topic: 'hermes/intent/captn2:module_hide_show', }, start: function() { let self = this;'Starting module: ' +; self.loaded = false; self.updateMqtt(self); }, //call the Node_helper updateMqtt: function(self) { self.sendSocketNotification('MQTT_SERVER', {mqttServer: self.config.mqttServer, topic: self.config.topic }); }, socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { let self = this; if (notification === 'HIDE_SHOW_MOVE') { //create a JSON object and retrieve the modulename, wether to show or hide it, //the position to move it to and wether it should get prepended or appended const obj = JSON.parse(; let HideShow; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "HIDE" || obj.slots[i].slotName === "SHOW") { HideShow = obj.slots[i].slotName; } } let modulename; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "MODULE") { modulename = obj.slots[i].value.value; break; } } let newposition; let TopBottom; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "POSITION") { newposition = obj.slots[i].value.value; for (let i = 0; i < obj.slots.length; ++i){ if (obj.slots[i].slotName === "TOPBOTTOM") { TopBottom = obj.slots[i].value.value; break; } } break; } } // When the Module is know and where to move it it get's moved to the new position if (newposition != null && modulename != null){ MM.getModules().enumerate((module) => { if ( === modulename) { const instance = document.getElementById(module.identifier); const region = document.querySelector(`div.region.${targetRegion} div.container`); if (TopBottom === "BOTTOM"){ region.appendChild(instance); }else{ region.insertBefore(instance, region.childNodes[0]) } = 'block'; } }); } self.loaded = true; // When the Module is know and wether to show or hide it then it gets shown/hidden if (HideShow != null && modulename != null){ switch(modulename) { case "PAGEONE": break; case "PAGETWO": break; case "PAGETHREE": break; case "PAGEFOUR": break; default: self.sendNotification(HideShow + "_" + modulename); } } } } });
'use strict'; /* Magic Mirror * Module: MMM-Snips * * By Max Bachmann * MIT Licensed. */ const NodeHelper = require('node_helper'); let mqtt = require('mqtt'); module.exports = NodeHelper.create({ start: function() { console.log('MMM-mqtt_display started ...'); }, getMqtt: function(payload) { let self = this; //connects to a mqtt client let client = mqtt.connect(payload.mqttServer); //after connecting to the mqtt client subscribes to //'hermes/intent/captn2:module_hide_show' client.on('connect', function() { client.subscribe(payload.topic); }); //When a message arrives that is in the right topic, the voicesession gets continued //by sending a message with session id and ah answer text to //'hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession', so the hotword is not needed again //Afterwards the original message gets send back to MMM-Snips client.on('message', function(topic, message) { if (topic === 'hermes/intent/captn2:module_hide_show') { const messagestring = message.toString(); const obj = JSON.parse(messagestring); let continueobj = { "sessionId":"", "text":"Kann ich sonst noch etwas für dich tun?" } continueobj.sessionId = obj.sessionId; client.publish('hermes/dialogueManager/continueSession', JSON.stringify(continueobj)) self.sendSocketNotification('HIDE_SHOW', {'data':messagestring}) } }); }, //after getting called the getMqtt function gets called socketNotificationReceived: function(notification, payload) { let self = this; if (notification === 'MQTT_SERVER') { self.getMqtt(payload); } } });
Thats my full code I use: Are there still things that should be different for performance, or just because thats not a usual way to do it ;)
@maxbachmann said in Module Position:
self.sendNotification(HideShow + “_” + modulename);
tells the other module to hide. I saw there is the function
modulename.hide() , but I could not get it to work. Whats the name I have to use there to make it work? -
I can see that you are still refering to targetRegion, but it’s nowhere defined.
const region = document.querySelector(`div.region.${targetRegion} div.container`);
can’t work, in your case modulename is just a string and a string doesn’t have a hide function, what you want instead is calling the hide function of the module instance, which would be in your case something like:MM.getModules().enumerate((module) => { if ( === modulename) { module.hide(); } });
There are more things to do, but what I spotted shouldn’t break anything.