Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
if you update to the new magic mirror, this will be a new option in the config.js.
Take a look to the config.js.sample file witch is delivered with the new version of magicmirror.
Cool! Do I just keep it the way it is, but format it differently, or do I have to add anything?
if your ip is from germany and you use ip4, than u can take it like it is.
It has just another format and added “::ffff:”,
I tried that and it didn’t work. Is it because I am in America?
the you must change this…
Substitude the xxx with your American numbers.
It still doesn’t allow me to remote control it from my computer. Does it have to end in 1.1/24, or should I put ::ffff:(MY IP ADRESS)/24?
Nothing seems to work for me. I will just set it back to what it was.
do not change the end.
In my case i change only this because it is standard in my region and given from my internet provider.
192.168.In your internet region you have other access address from your provider and you must change my example with numbers of your region.
My ip address starts with 192.168 too, but now that I try to change everything back, it doesn’t work.
Everything is fine. I will figure things out later. Thank you! @lolobyte