A New Chapter for MagicMirror: The Community Takes the Lead
Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
  • MMM-CalendarExt3Agenda

    Jul 12, 2022, 3:43 PM
    0 Votes
    192 Posts
    Well, swapping the order seems like it might have helped. I restarted MM a few times and it seems like they are all showing up now. I’ll keep an eye on it. :) Thanks
  • 17 Votes
    261 Posts
    @DarkV it takes a little bit of info a url contains a protocol type secure(https) or not (http) a server name or address a port a path and optionally some parameters for MMM-Config just protocol, server, port and path on your local network, we dont need to build our everything for secure encrypted communications if the machine you are opening the browser on is the same machine as MagicMirror is running, then you can use localhost otherwise you need to know the MagicMirror server ip address or network name the port value comes from the MagicMirror config.js, default is 8080 (if you dont see a port specified in a url, then the browser uses the default for the protocol, 80 or 443 not/secure, as appropriate) and then the path, for MMM-Config there are two : for configuration /configure and for module installation /installer http://ip:port/configure on the same machine, using defaults http://localhost:8080/configure
  • MMM-CalendarExt3

    Apr 24, 2022, 7:18 PM
    3 Votes
    632 Posts
    @BKeyport here is my dev window steps the background area for the today highlight is smaller than the font size (set with the cx3-… properties) [image: 1742996386632-broken-thing.png] now w the element selected [image: 1742996573256-fixed-3-areas.png] can’t copy/paste the selector list bottom, so copy the element it self [image: 1742996623826-copy-element.png] and paste into editor on custom.css [image: 1742996906633-snip20250326_7.png] now keep/remove the text to match the bottom selector row div .cell.today.thisMonth.thisYear.year_2025.month_3.date_25.weekday_2 div.cellHeader div.cellDate add the module name in front .CX3 div .cell.today.thisMonth.thisYear.year_2025.month_3.date_25.weekday_2 div.cellHeader div.cellDate { } then copy the change in the dev window [image: 1742997238985-screenshot-2025-03-26-at-6.51.58-am.png] and paste into custom.css inside the braces of the thing you just added .CX3 div .cell.today.thisMonth.thisYear.year_2025.month_3.date_25.weekday_2 div.cellHeader div.cellDate { height: 1em; text-align: left; } now. you MIGHT know (or not) that we ONLY need to target the ‘today’ and ‘celldate’ classes , not JUST this ACTUAL date (mar 25) so we should shorten the selector… so it also works tomorrow .CX3 div .cell.today div.cellDate { height: 1em; } every module it different, so it takes some thinking about what you are seeing
  • MMM-MPlayer - version 2.0.1

    4 days ago
    1 Votes
    1 Posts
    Hi, I just published version 2.0.1 of the MMM-MPlayer module. Fixed some issued, added more options. https://github.com/evroom/MMM-MPlayer Please read the README carefully, especially when you are using the first version. If you are a user of version 1 of this module, please be aware that the configuration is slightly different and that more options are available. It is advisable to move a working version of this module before installing the new version. Best regards, E.J.
  • MMM-MPlayer

    Dec 9, 2024, 7:26 PM
    3 Votes
    44 Posts
    @clakkentt said in MMM-MPlayer: @evroom … Sorry for the delay in replying, I don’t get e-mail notices when someone replies to my posts. No problem. I discovered the reason why it happens and am busy with a new version. Hope to release it soon (first need to solve an issue with recalculating the window position). Those that are interested can have a look at the README of the dev branch.
  • 0 Votes
    47 Posts
    @xIExodusIx Dear Carsten, quick feedback for you: Just installed your newest version. And - to my big surprise - it works like I would like to have… I only have installed "MMM-FRITZ-Box-Callmonitor-py3 " - to be 100% clear, may there is the difference. But with only this module incoming calls are displayed/signalled (grey’ish / white color) and the message box disappears either when the call is taken or if the caller hangs up. This exactly is what I would like to have. You definitely have done something magical because the initial code holds the message box until call is ended. THANKS!!! You ARE a coder :-) Warmest greetings to Hamburg (as your git-account now reveals), Ralf For the CSS stuff - my apologies… I cannot guide here, as well. I’ve seen your color coding in dependency from call-type. I GUESS you can solve this with case-dependent CSS-attributes and so avoid the complete “switch”-clause. But this is far beyond my own capabilities - may Sam (@sdetweil ) can lead through this…
  • 4 Votes
    166 Posts
    @MZ-BER What exactly did you enter for ETFs so that they would be displayed? I don’t have any stocks, just five ETFs in my savings. Can I have those displayed as well? How does this work, for example: WKN A1JMDF ?
  • MMM-NOAA3 - Revived

    14 days ago
    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    @sdetweil Successfully replaced Darksky with Piratesky.
  • MMM-MagicMover

    Jul 18, 2020, 1:17 PM
    2 Votes
    15 Posts
    @botts85 said> I tried it with: ignoredRegions: [".region.top.bar"], and still no luck. @C-son stated in his posting the region with single quotes… I‘m not really sure if this makes a difference - at least worth a trial… ignoredRegions: ['.region.top.bar'], „Fullscreen_below“ BTW is not supported in ignoredRegions … Good luck. Regards, Ralf
  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Github: https://github.com/ifnull/MMM-WyzeBridge The WyzeBridge supports RTMP and RTSP so I initially tried using MMM-Mplayer but had issues on my Raspberry Pi. The video would load but it would load fullscreen even when specifying a fixed size. I noticed WyzeBridge supports HLS which means that MagicMirror should be able to support it without a 3rd party player. I haven’t added support for stream authentication yet and this version only supports a 1x1, 2x2, and 4x4 camera layout. Pull requests are welcome if anyone would like to help with these features or improving the overall CSS for the camera layout. ✅ Supports multiple Wyze cameras via HLS streams ✅ Auto-refreshes streams to prevent freezing ✅ Uses hls.js for browser compatibility ✅ Supports 1x1, 2x2, and 4x4 layouts ✅ Default configuration assumes Wyze Bridge is running locally
  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts
    Github: https://github.com/ifnull/MMM-AwairLocal ✅ Pulls data from Awair’s Local API (no cloud required) ✅ Displays air quality score, temperature, humidity, CO₂, VOC, and PM2.5 ✅ Supports Celsius & Fahrenheit for temperature display ✅ Allows multiple Awair devices with configurable names ✅ Auto-refreshes at a configurable interval [image: 1741647657472-25be21b9-564b-4a24-a6d9-bfbcac38767b-image.png] Example Config Options { module: "MMM-AwairLocal", position: "top_right", // Adjust as needed config: { awairIp: "", // Local IP of your Awair device deviceName: "Living Room Awair", // Custom name for the device updateInterval: 60000, // Refresh data every 60 seconds showScore: true, // Display air quality score showTemp: true, // Display temperature showHumidity: true, // Display humidity showCO2: true, // Display CO₂ levels showVOC: true, // Display VOC levels showPM25: true, // Display PM2.5 levels tempUnit: "F" // "C" for Celsius, "F" for Fahrenheit } }
  • MMM-Growatt

    Mar 11, 2023, 10:31 AM
    5 Votes
    21 Posts
    @nowayto Yes, you can add your own dimensions in the ~/MagicMirror/css/custom.css. I have noticed an error in the module css. I have corrected it. Please do a git pull before attempting the below changes. You could set it as follows: .growatt-table { font-weight: bold; color: orangered; font-size: 0.5rem; }
  • 2 Votes
    4 Posts
    @gertperdZA graag zou ik de api ontvangen van dordrecht
  • MMM-Linky (french users)

    Jan 26, 2025, 8:19 AM
    1 Votes
    13 Posts
    Bonjour, Merci pour le modules, celui ci est très bien expliqué et fonctionne très bien. Sympa de partagé tout ça. Suggestion au cas ou , un affichage au mois serait utile pour ma part. Thanks,
  • MMM-FroniusSolar family modules

    Jan 10, 2025, 10:06 PM
    1 Votes
    30 Posts
    @chrisfr1976 Changing it from 80 to 50 fixed the problem - thankyou
  • 1 Votes
    15 Posts
    Thank you for this module. I tried the one from fewieden and now it´s perfect. Instesd of a ringtone I play a webradio stream alarmSoundFile: ‘http://icecast.ndr.de/ndr/ndr1wellenord/flensburg/mp3/128/stream.mp3’,
  • MMM-Cookidoo

    Feb 13, 2025, 9:17 PM
    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Thank you very much for the module, it’s fantastic
  • MMM-Temp2IOT

    Jan 10, 2025, 3:10 PM
    1 Votes
    5 Posts
    @chrisfr1976 said in MMM-Temp2IOT: The Temp2IOT project is not mine. But it is really great work. OK, thought i was you :-) . I’ve found the root-cause for wrong date: Yesterday I’ve played primarily with the mirror-module to test if this works for me (yes, it works…). Today I’ve done the soldering part and connected the sensors. Now sensor data is transmitted and this seems to trigger attachment of time-marks. Now the json record contains correct timestamp. Regards, Ralf
  • 1 Votes
    4 Posts
    @mmmallday [image: 1739189463164-1b42408c-7db9-4d84-9a76-9dae237fa0f7-image.png] More
  • MMM-SystemMonitor

    Jun 1, 2023, 11:00 PM
    5 Votes
    24 Posts
    @mebster5 submit that as a pr