✅ Pulls data from Awair’s Local API (no cloud required)
✅ Displays air quality score, temperature, humidity, CO₂, VOC, and PM2.5
✅ Supports Celsius & Fahrenheit for temperature display
✅ Allows multiple Awair devices with configurable names
✅ Auto-refreshes at a configurable interval
[image: 1741647657472-25be21b9-564b-4a24-a6d9-bfbcac38767b-image.png]
Example Config Options
module: "MMM-AwairLocal",
position: "top_right", // Adjust as needed
config: {
awairIp: "", // Local IP of your Awair device
deviceName: "Living Room Awair", // Custom name for the device
updateInterval: 60000, // Refresh data every 60 seconds
showScore: true, // Display air quality score
showTemp: true, // Display temperature
showHumidity: true, // Display humidity
showCO2: true, // Display CO₂ levels
showVOC: true, // Display VOC levels
showPM25: true, // Display PM2.5 levels
tempUnit: "F" // "C" for Celsius, "F" for Fahrenheit