Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Is there anyway to have a Google home show its results on the magic mirror? -
do you mean real google home? In other words, you have already a real google home, and you can command it by voice, and you want to display the result from your google home to MagicMirror. right?
Sorry, it is not possible.If you make some specific command for your google Home through IFTTT or google Action, in that case, your result could be transferred to MagicMirror(and be shown).
But the usual and random commands - like “What time is it?”, “My next schedule”,… couldn’t -
@Sean thanks for responding. I assume this is a limitation on Google ends? Also how would I tell ifttt to show on magic mirror?
There are several posts in this forum. search “ifttt” and read them -
@Sean thanks that looks awesome. Going to save it for a rainy day to install.
Hello @Sean I’ve successfully rebuild the module but when I tried to activate it in the config, the module doesn’t load. The log says ‘No helper found for module: MMM-AssistantMk2’ (pretty sure the file is there inside the module folder). Have any idea whats the cause of this problem?
Thanks in advance! -
Never seen that kind. Loadingnode_helper.js
is MM’s job itself. If there is the file, regardless it has some errors or not, MM should try to load that file. (And if it has an error, it would spit out the error) -
This post is deleted! -
How can I stop a video?
config isyoutubeAutoplay : true, pauseOnYoutube : false,
But it does not help.