Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Recurring events Calender
Having problems with recurring events for Calender. For the recurring events, the time will gets wrong. Seems like it’s UTC time zone. In Google Calendar, everything is right, but on the Magic Mirror it shows the event two hours later then planned. If I enter an individual event, it will be the correct time.
Anyone who knows what could be wrong?{ module: "calendar", header: "HallonKalender", position: "top_left", config: { timeFormat: 'dateheaders', getRelative: 0, urgency: 0, calendars: [ { symbol: "calendar-check-o ", url: "" } ] } },
@mr_moore - Just to be sure, you did set the location of your Pi using the
tool or going through the UI system configuration? That’s a likely culprit.By default, the Raspbian OS thinks it is British. I have to set the time zone, language and keyboard first thing after every OS flash. If I don’t, the keyboard special characters are all off, I can’t get my passwords to work, and it thinks football is played without helmets.
@bhepler - I have the right time zone. The clock is correct. And if i have a one time appointment in the Google Calender it wil show the correct time at the MM. It is only when i have recurring events that it will show two hours wrong.
@mr_moore - Hmm. Can you check the recurring events through Google’s interface and make sure the time zones on those events is correct?
@bhepler everything looks ok in Google Calender. See snapshots from Google and Mirror. Two reccuring events and one with only this day.
@Mr_Moore said in Recurring events Calender:
@bhepler everything looks ok in Google Calender. See snapshots from Google and Mirror. Two reccuring events and one with only this day.
Did you solve this problem? I have the same one at the moment.
@MajorC did u install the temp calendar fixes from the troubleshooting section?
Sorry, what? Can you provide me a link?
@MajorC temp calendar fixes from the troubleshooting section?
the troubleshooting section of the forum, the topics are pinned to the top
these temp fixes were for 2.12
all the fixes are now in 2.13 (or the latest develop branch, see below)
@sdetweil did you manage to fix this? I have similar issues, mine being 1 hour early ;)