Read the statement by Michael Teeuw here.
Start without internet connection and restart with, make modul work?
Thanks for the tip.
I am going now home and will try it. -
So I have do it and here is the log file.
main.js:450 Initializing MagicMirror. translator.js:201 Loading core translation file: translations/de.json translator.js:224 Loading core translation fallback file: translations/en.json loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-Remote-Control//MMM-Remote-Control.js module.js:469 Check MagicMirror version for module 'MMM-Remote-Control' - Minimum version: 2.1.0 - Current version: 2.6.0 module.js:471 Version is ok! module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Remote-Control/remote-control.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-Remote-Control loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-Buttons//MMM-Buttons.js module.js:469 Check MagicMirror version for module 'MMM-Buttons' - Minimum version: 2.1.0 - Current version: 2.6.0 module.js:471 Version is ok! module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-Buttons loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Buttons loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Buttons loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-Buttons loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-Buttons loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-Page-Selector//MMM-Page-Selector.js module.js:469 Check MagicMirror version for module 'MMM-Page-Selector' - Minimum version: 2.1.0 - Current version: 2.6.0 module.js:471 Version is ok! module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-Page-Selector loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Page-Selector loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-Page-Selector/resources/numConvert.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Page-Selector loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Page-Selector/MMM-Page-Selector.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-Page-Selector loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-Page-Selector loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert//alert.js module.js:477 Module registered: alert loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: alert loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert/classie.js loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert/modernizr.custom.js loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/alert/notificationFx.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: alert loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/alert/ns-default.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: alert translator.js:172 alert - Load translation: translations/de.json /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:128 Electron Security Warning (Insecure Resources) This renderer process loads resources using insecure protocols. This exposes users of this app to unnecessary security risks. Consider loading the following resources over HTTPS or FTPS. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For more information and help, consult This warning will not show up once the app is packaged. warnAboutInsecureResources @ /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:128 /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:188 Electron Security Warning (Insecure Content-Security-Policy) This renderer process has either no Content Security Policy set or a policy with "unsafe-eval" enabled. This exposes users of this app to unnecessary security risks. For more information and help, consult This warning will not show up once the app is packaged. warnAboutInsecureCSP @ /home/pi/MagicMirror/node_modules/electron/dist/resources/electron.asar/renderer/security-warnings.js:188 translator.js:174 alert - Load translation fallback: translations/en.json loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: alert loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/updatenotification//updatenotification.js module.js:477 Module registered: updatenotification loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: updatenotification loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: updatenotification loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: updatenotification loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: updatenotification loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/clock//clock.js module.js:477 Module registered: clock loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: clock loader.js:182 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment/min/moment-with-locales.js loader.js:182 Load script: vendor/node_modules/moment-timezone/builds/moment-timezone-with-data.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: clock loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/clock/clock_styles.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: clock loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: clock loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/currentweather//currentweather.js module.js:477 Module registered: currentweather loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: currentweather loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: currentweather loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: vendor/node_modules/weathericons/css/weather-icons.css loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/default/currentweather/currentweather.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: currentweather loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: currentweather loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-Podcast2//MMM-Podcast2.js module.js:477 Module registered: MMM-Podcast2 loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: MMM-Podcast2 loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:182 Load script: modules/MMM-Podcast2/MMM-Podcast-xml2json.js loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: vendor/node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: MMM-Podcast2 loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: modules/MMM-Podcast2/MMM-Podcast2.css loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: MMM-Podcast2 loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: MMM-Podcast2 loader.js:182 Load script: modules/default/newsfeed//newsfeed.js module.js:477 Module registered: newsfeed loader.js:152 Bootstrapping module: newsfeed loader.js:237 File already loaded: moment.js loader.js:157 Scripts loaded for: newsfeed loader.js:159 Styles loaded for: newsfeed loader.js:161 Translations loaded for: newsfeed loader.js:197 Load stylesheet: css/custom.css MMM-Remote-Control.js:21 Starting module: MMM-Remote-Control MMM-Buttons.js:25 Starting module: MMM-Buttons alert.js:153 Starting module: alert updatenotification.js:10 Start updatenotification clock.js:40 Starting module: clock currentweather.js:96 Starting module: currentweather MMM-Podcast2.js:38 Starting module: MMM-Podcast2 newsfeed.js:59 Starting module: newsfeed main.js:468 All modules started! module.js:156 MMM-Buttons received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED module.js:156 clock received a system notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: ALL_MODULES_STARTED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: ALL_MODULES_STARTED module.js:198 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Buttons is suspended. module.js:198 alert is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Podcast2 is suspended. module.js:156 clock received a system notification: MODULE_DOM_CREATED newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: MODULE_DOM_CREATED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: MODULE_DOM_CREATED module.js:156 MMM-Buttons received a system notification: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED module.js:156 clock received a system notification: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: DOM_OBJECTS_CREATED module.js:198 MMM-Page-Selector is suspended. module.js:198 clock is suspended. module.js:198 newsfeed is suspended. module.js:198 updatenotification is suspended. module.js:198 currentweather is suspended. currentweather.js:338 GET net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 start @ currentweather.js:112 startModules @ loader.js:55 (anonymous) @ loader.js:40 stylesheet.onload @ loader.js:203 currentweather.js:330 currentweather: Could not load weather. weatherRequest.onreadystatechange @ currentweather.js:330 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 start @ currentweather.js:112 startModules @ loader.js:55 (anonymous) @ loader.js:40 stylesheet.onload @ loader.js:203 MMM-Podcast-xml2json.js:65 Uncaught TypeError: xmlStr.replace is not a function at cleanXML (MMM-Podcast-xml2json.js:65) at xml2json (MMM-Podcast-xml2json.js:11) at Class.socketNotificationReceived (MMM-Podcast2.js:88) at module.js:246 at r.<anonymous> (socketclient.js:25) at r.emit (index.js:83) at r.onevent (index.js:83) at r.MMSocket.self.socket.onevent (socketclient.js:19) at r.onpacket (index.js:83) at r.<anonymous> (index.js:83) cleanXML @ MMM-Podcast-xml2json.js:65 xml2json @ MMM-Podcast-xml2json.js:11 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Podcast2.js:88 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 n @ index.js:83 e.decodePayload @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 i.onData @ index.js:83 i.onLoad @ index.js:83 hasXDR.n.onreadystatechange @ index.js:83 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) i.create @ index.js:83 i @ index.js:83 o.request @ index.js:83 o.doPoll @ index.js:83 r.poll @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 i.onData @ index.js:83 i.onLoad @ index.js:83 hasXDR.n.onreadystatechange @ index.js:83 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) i.create @ index.js:83 i @ index.js:83 o.request @ index.js:83 o.doPoll @ index.js:83 r.poll @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 i.onData @ index.js:83 i.onLoad @ index.js:83 hasXDR.n.onreadystatechange @ index.js:83 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) i.create @ index.js:83 i @ index.js:83 o.request @ index.js:83 o.doPoll @ index.js:83 r.poll @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 i.onData @ index.js:83 i.onLoad @ index.js:83 hasXDR.n.onreadystatechange @ index.js:83 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) i.create @ index.js:83 i @ index.js:83 o.request @ index.js:83 o.doPoll @ index.js:83 r.poll @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 i.onData @ index.js:83 i.onLoad @ index.js:83 hasXDR.n.onreadystatechange @ index.js:83 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) i.create @ index.js:83 i @ index.js:83 o.request @ index.js:83 o.doPoll @ index.js:83 r.poll @ index.js:83 r.doOpen @ index.js:83 @ index.js:83 @ index.js:83 r @ index.js:83 r @ index.js:83 @ index.js:83 r @ index.js:83 r @ index.js:83 r @ index.js:83 MMSocket @ socketclient.js:11 socket @ module.js:241 sendSocketNotification @ module.js:378 sendConfig @ MMM-Buttons.js:49 start @ MMM-Buttons.js:27 startModules @ loader.js:55 (anonymous) @ loader.js:40 stylesheet.onload @ loader.js:203 currentweather.js:338 GET net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 weatherRequest.onreadystatechange @ currentweather.js:334 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 start @ currentweather.js:112 startModules @ loader.js:55 (anonymous) @ loader.js:40 stylesheet.onload @ loader.js:203 currentweather.js:330 currentweather: Could not load weather. weatherRequest.onreadystatechange @ currentweather.js:330 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 weatherRequest.onreadystatechange @ currentweather.js:334 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 start @ currentweather.js:112 startModules @ loader.js:55 (anonymous) @ loader.js:40 stylesheet.onload @ loader.js:203 MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Page-Selector.js:116 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'haupt' of undefined at Class.setUpPage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:116) at Class.changePage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:174) at selectPage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:187) at Class.notificationReceived (MMM-Page-Selector.js:191) at sendNotification (main.js:95) at Object.sendNotification (main.js:498) at Class.sendNotification (module.js:368) at Class.sendAction (MMM-Buttons.js:88) at Class.buttonUp (MMM-Buttons.js:77) at Class.socketNotificationReceived (MMM-Buttons.js:120) setUpPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:116 changePage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:174 selectPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:187 notificationReceived @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:191 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 ws.onmessage @ index.js:83 currentweather.js:338 GET net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 weatherRequest.onreadystatechange @ currentweather.js:334 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 currentweather.js:330 currentweather: Could not load weather. MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: BUTTON_PRESSED from sender: MMM-Buttons module.js:154 clock received a module notification: BUTTON_PRESSED from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Podcast2.js:72 Uncaught ReferenceError: streamurl is not defined at Class.notificationReceived (MMM-Podcast2.js:72) at sendNotification (main.js:95) at Object.sendNotification (main.js:498) at Class.sendNotification (module.js:368) at Class.sendAction (MMM-Buttons.js:88) at Class.buttonUp (MMM-Buttons.js:77) at Class.socketNotificationReceived (MMM-Buttons.js:120) at module.js:246 at r.<anonymous> (socketclient.js:25) at r.emit (index.js:83) notificationReceived @ MMM-Podcast2.js:72 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 ws.onmessage @ index.js:83 currentweather.js:338 GET net::ERR_INTERNET_DISCONNECTED updateWeather @ currentweather.js:338 (anonymous) @ currentweather.js:499 setTimeout (async) scheduleUpdate @ currentweather.js:498 weatherRequest.onreadystatechange @ currentweather.js:334 module.js:205 currentweather is resumed. main.js:275 Will not show currentweather. LockStrings active: module_2_MMM-Page-Selector MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather module.js:154 MMM-Buttons received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather module.js:154 clock received a module notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA from sender: currentweather newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: CURRENTWEATHER_DATA MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Page-Selector.js:116 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'haupt' of undefined at Class.setUpPage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:116) at Class.changePage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:174) at selectPage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:187) at Class.notificationReceived (MMM-Page-Selector.js:191) at sendNotification (main.js:95) at Object.sendNotification (main.js:498) at Class.sendNotification (module.js:368) at Class.sendAction (MMM-Buttons.js:88) at Class.buttonUp (MMM-Buttons.js:77) at Class.socketNotificationReceived (MMM-Buttons.js:120) setUpPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:116 changePage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:174 selectPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:187 notificationReceived @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:191 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 ws.onmessage @ index.js:83 MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Page-Selector.js:116 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'zweite' of undefined at Class.setUpPage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:116) at Class.changePage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:174) at selectPage (MMM-Page-Selector.js:187) at Class.notificationReceived (MMM-Page-Selector.js:191) at sendNotification (main.js:95) at Object.sendNotification (main.js:498) at Class.sendNotification (module.js:368) at Class.sendAction (MMM-Buttons.js:88) at Class.buttonUp (MMM-Buttons.js:77) at Class.socketNotificationReceived (MMM-Buttons.js:120) setUpPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:116 changePage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:174 selectPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:187 notificationReceived @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:191 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 ws.onmessage @ index.js:83 MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: BUTTON_PRESSED from sender: MMM-Buttons module.js:154 clock received a module notification: BUTTON_PRESSED from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Podcast2.js:76 Uncaught ReferenceError: streamurl is not defined at Class.notificationReceived (MMM-Podcast2.js:76) at sendNotification (main.js:95) at Object.sendNotification (main.js:498) at Class.sendNotification (module.js:368) at Class.sendAction (MMM-Buttons.js:88) at Class.buttonUp (MMM-Buttons.js:77) at Class.socketNotificationReceived (MMM-Buttons.js:120) at module.js:246 at r.<anonymous> (socketclient.js:25) at r.emit (index.js:83) notificationReceived @ MMM-Podcast2.js:76 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 ws.onmessage @ index.js:83 MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: MAX_PAGES_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 MMM-Buttons received a module notification: MAX_PAGES_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 clock received a module notification: MAX_PAGES_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: MAX_PAGES_CHANGED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: MAX_PAGES_CHANGED MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 MMM-Buttons received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 clock received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: PAGE_CHANGED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: PAGE_CHANGED module.js:198 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Buttons is suspended. module.js:198 alert is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Podcast2 is suspended. module.js:198 updatenotification is suspended. module.js:198 clock is suspended. module.js:198 currentweather is suspended. module.js:198 newsfeed is suspended. module.js:205 MMM-Page-Selector is resumed. module.js:205 clock is resumed. module.js:205 currentweather is resumed. MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 MMM-Buttons received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 clock received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: PAGE_CHANGED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: PAGE_CHANGED module.js:198 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Buttons is suspended. module.js:198 alert is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Podcast2 is suspended. module.js:154 clock received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: PAGE_SELECT newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: PAGE_SELECT module.js:198 updatenotification is suspended. module.js:198 clock is suspended. module.js:198 currentweather is suspended. module.js:198 newsfeed is suspended. module.js:205 MMM-Page-Selector is resumed. MMM-Page-Selector.js:83 Uncaught Module was selected, but not found in the DOM. Make sure that a position for the module is set in the config.js! getModuleRef @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:83 MM.getModules.enumerate.module @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:143 (anonymous) @ main.js:433 enumerate @ main.js:432 setTimeout @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:137 setTimeout (async) setUpPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:136 changePage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:174 selectPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:187 notificationReceived @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:191 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 ws.onmessage @ index.js:83 MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: BUTTON_PRESSED from sender: MMM-Buttons module.js:154 clock received a module notification: BUTTON_PRESSED from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Podcast2.js:72 Uncaught ReferenceError: streamurl is not defined at Class.notificationReceived (MMM-Podcast2.js:72) at sendNotification (main.js:95) at Object.sendNotification (main.js:498) at Class.sendNotification (module.js:368) at Class.sendAction (MMM-Buttons.js:88) at Class.buttonUp (MMM-Buttons.js:77) at Class.socketNotificationReceived (MMM-Buttons.js:120) at module.js:246 at r.<anonymous> (socketclient.js:25) at r.emit (index.js:83) notificationReceived @ MMM-Podcast2.js:72 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83 MMSocket.self.socket.onevent @ socketclient.js:19 r.onpacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.ondecoded @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 a.add @ index.js:83 r.ondata @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 (anonymous) @ index.js:83 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onPacket @ index.js:83 r.onData @ index.js:83 ws.onmessage @ index.js:83 MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 MMM-Buttons received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 clock received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: PAGE_CHANGED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: PAGE_CHANGED module.js:198 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Buttons is suspended. module.js:198 alert is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Podcast2 is suspended. module.js:154 clock received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: PAGE_SELECT newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: PAGE_SELECT module.js:198 updatenotification is suspended. module.js:198 clock is suspended. module.js:198 currentweather is suspended. module.js:198 newsfeed is suspended. module.js:205 MMM-Page-Selector is resumed. module.js:205 clock is resumed. module.js:205 currentweather is resumed. MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons MMM-Remote-Control.js:36 MMM-Remote-Control received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 MMM-Buttons received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector module.js:154 clock received a module notification: PAGE_CHANGED from sender: MMM-Page-Selector newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: PAGE_CHANGED newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: PAGE_CHANGED module.js:198 MMM-Remote-Control is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Buttons is suspended. module.js:198 alert is suspended. module.js:198 MMM-Podcast2 is suspended. module.js:154 clock received a module notification: PAGE_SELECT from sender: MMM-Buttons newsfeed.js:340 newsfeed - received notification: PAGE_SELECT newsfeed.js:391 newsfeed - unknown notification, ignoring: PAGE_SELECT module.js:198 updatenotification is suspended. module.js:198 clock is suspended. module.js:198 currentweather is suspended. module.js:198 newsfeed is suspended. module.js:205 MMM-Page-Selector is resumed. MMM-Page-Selector.js:83 Uncaught Module was selected, but not found in the DOM. Make sure that a position for the module is set in the config.js! getModuleRef @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:83 MM.getModules.enumerate.module @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:143 (anonymous) @ main.js:433 enumerate @ main.js:432 setTimeout @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:137 setTimeout (async) setUpPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:136 changePage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:174 selectPage @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:187 notificationReceived @ MMM-Page-Selector.js:191 sendNotification @ main.js:95 sendNotification @ main.js:498 sendNotification @ module.js:368 sendAction @ MMM-Buttons.js:88 buttonUp @ MMM-Buttons.js:77 socketNotificationReceived @ MMM-Buttons.js:120 (anonymous) @ module.js:246 (anonymous) @ socketclient.js:25 r.emit @ index.js:83 r.onevent @ index.js:83
@robiv8 yep, as I said… lots of errors… most not recoverable due to the modules individual designs…
MMM-Podcast-xml2json.js:65, dies as no xml came back.. oops.. MMM-Page-Selector.js:116 , oops.. the target page doesn't exist (cause the prior module failed to build it..) MMM-Podcast2.js:72, etc
Thanks for the information,
That means I can only hope and ask that the makers of the modules fix that? If that’s even possible! -
@robiv8 right. In many cases the authors hope that users will jump in and modify the code and submit it back… as this is all volunteer work.
welcome to open source
OK i understand! :winking_face:
That leaves us mortals, only hope.
So bleibt uns Sterblichen, nur noch die Hoffnung. -
I experimented a lot and read a lot.
This “streamurl is not defined” has made me curious.
So i put a new entry in the MMM podcast2.js under line 12 with:var streamurl = '';
then it will work after a reboot, but not right after the first press.
You have to press again and next time it will come.
So page is set up, then Press Button for Play, Press Button for Stop, Press Button for Play and then comes the video. Very Strange.Server started ... Connecting socket for: MMM-Remote-Control Starting node helper for: MMM-Remote-Control Connecting socket for: MMM-Buttons Starting node helper for: MMM-Buttons Connecting socket for: MMM-Page-Selector Connecting socket for: updatenotification Connecting socket for: MMM-Podcast2 Connecting socket for: newsfeed Starting module: newsfeed Sockets connected & modules started ... Launching application. Initialize button Hauptseite on PIN 17 Initialize button Podcast on PIN 24 Starting node helper for: MMM-Podcast2 Create new news fetcher for url: - Interval: 300000 Use existing news fetcher for url: The site has now fully built up. Now i press the button: MMM-Podcast2 PLAY: < -- Nothing! Also do not wait for a longer time MMM-Podcast2 STOP: MMM-Podcast2 PLAY: < -- now comes the Video MMM-Podcast2 STOP:
Does anyone have a tip what this can still be?
For that I have no idea about the programming I am proud that I have managed it so :-) lol -
go back to the dev console, npm start dev, or ctrl-shift-i, then select console tab, and see if there is an error on the browser side, where the video will actually play…
looks like its state is out of sync… (thinks its neither playing nor stopped)…
getting stop fixes it… -
OK i do my best
I guess i found the solution of your problem, it is the combination of MMM-Page-Selector and MMM-Podcast2 the way you used it in your config.jsDetails see MMM-Podcast2/issues